south san rafael desert sheep


Long Time Member
17 days and counting until my OIL desert sheep hunt begins...
you can never have to much info, so if anyone wants to share some i would gladly take it.
The majority of the rams I have seen have been around copper globe, eagle canyon and spotted wolf. I kind of general but you should look over each area. Good luck.
Good luck!
I think you will do just fine.
If you need encouragement just give me a call.
801 368 3427
Zeke, i did make the call and he was very helpful. even made a scouting trip out with me, between this hunt and my Nevada deer tag i have spent more time on the phone than most teenagers... just hoping this cooler weather holds and the rams start moving a bit.....
Good deal!

I hope you have a couple fantastic hunts! (mostly the sheep hunt)

I hunted it last year with my uncle...
2 pieces of advice
#1 glass a lot, then some more
#2 dont get nervous and shoot one to early, the last of the hunt is the best..

Shoot em till their dead
Sounds like you will be in the top of some "big timber" hunts this year treedagain! LOL.
Congratulations, although sometimes having too many good permits is a curse. I once had two premium deer tags in the same year and due to work commitments I didn't do either one of them justice.
I would for sure put your time in on your sheep hunt because we all know that one won't happen again!
My son had a tag two years ago along with Zeke's daughter. She killed a smoker ram early in the hunt, but we ran into bad weather and the swine flu. My son just about ate his tag, so I would say while the hunt typically gets better at the end, don't put off shooting a ram that you like. It is surely a tough call but IMO be happy with whatever happens!
Have fun and good luck.
my goal is a mature ram in mid 140 range the darker the coat the better, just a pretty ram.... my motto is dont pass up on the 1st day what you would be happy with on the last. i feel fotunate to be given the chance and have no desire to look over every ram on the unit to shoot the biggest ram on the unit, i dont think my heart could take

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