South Fork Salmon Chinook?


Long Time Member
Any one with experiance with the South Fork of the Salmon out of Cascade for Chinook? What could a guy expect best time and place to start?? Just got back from the Clearwater for the B's little slow but caught fish. Low water and a ton of fisherman.

you think there is a ton of fishermen on the clearwater for steelies...wait until they open up the s.f. for salmon. they have opened alot more water, but its still a zoo. better than riggins though. they will close that river in a hurry as well, so always check before you head up.
South Fork is a JOKE!!! They close the river before the fish even get there. The place is crawling with F&G officers plain clothes and uniformed so make sure if you go not to step out of line at all they will get ya, I know first hand lol. the weekend before the 4th of july is when I always had my best luck. But if ya go good luck and you wont see me there ever again. hope this helped
hope it didnt discourage you, but that's how it is. not to say that you cant catch fish. we have had stellar days up there, but you rarely get a hole to yourself. steelhead season seems to be more mellow, and the anglers arent as bad. for some reason, salmon season attracts a lot of a$$holes and idiots. i dont do well around those types when im trying to enjoy myself:)
I have been watching the fish numbers come through the Damns. Wow all time high. Thanks for the info guys. How about the Lower Salmon and So Fork Clearwater are they any good for The chinook?
They can be good.

The Southfork of the Clearwater is better a little later and higher up. The fish seem to just blow through the lower end.

Lower salmon has fish in it right now... First hand knowledge on this...
i fish the clearwater,little salmon and then the south fork. starting at the clearwater right around memorial weekend, then little salmon and onto the southfork. i can say it is a zoo at all of these with the clearwater being the least. if you want to send me a pm i will give you some places on the clearwater that should produce some descent fish there for you and some other info as well.
Thanks guys! Sure hope I get to go in a couple weeks but not looking to good. Since I already went up for the B's

i hear there catching a few in the main salmon near riggins

also if any Monster Muley member has any car trouble in the cascade, donnelly , mccall or riggins area i own a towing company in donnelly and will give you a "monster Muleys discount" unless im in the river fishing with my phone off that is.
Brown's towing
325-RTOW {7869}
Thanks MD. I am broke down here in Utah. You could come get me take me up there but then you would have to bring me back. What size fish can a guy expect to catch?? Any pics anyone!!

I looked yesterday at the Rapid River hatchery count and they currently have 24 fish since Tuesday. So they are definitely starting to show up. I can't wait to get up there to try and catch a few.

fished the little river last sat. and landed one out of three. buddy lost one. crowds were at a minimum on the little. had a few more buddies go up on tuesday and brought four home between them. the said they hooked the hell out of them, just couldnt land em. they said it was shoulder to shoulder. ill wait till the main opens up from shorts creek and the s.f. opens...which is the 12th.
went up yesterday for the morning hooked 8 landed 1 water was super high from the rain and water was really dirty.....still fun though

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