

Long Time Member
Charger Fans, I feel real bad about the call that ref made. Tough luck. Atta boy, atta boy.

Broncos 39 Chargers 38

Go Broncos

Sorry??? Sorry???? I am not sorry at ALL!!!!!!!!! Refs are part of the game. They still had the chance to stop the Touchdown...or the two point conversion.......THEY DIDNT!!!!!!!!!!

Broncos up 2 games in the AFC West!!!!!!!

I couldnt be happier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOOOOO
LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-08 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]If it were a 6-8 game I might be sorry but when your defense gives up 39 points and can't stop a 4th and goal from the 10 and then can't adjust and stop the exact same play on a two point conversion the very next play you have no truck with a bad call from the referees.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I was very much toungue in cheek when I said Sorry. I didn't mean it. I was very happy.

Go Broncos,

Cutler? What about the rookie Royal? That guy is very good! As long as the Broncos are coached by Shanahan they have a chance. One of the best, if not the best.

I am definitely a Broncos fan these days just because they kill the Raiders regularly. Man I hate the Raiders!
i think it is hilarious the chargers are starting off 0-2 i think it is funny cutler put rivers in his place.but then again being a CHIEFS fan i can not laugh to hard. still funny though atleast my expectations were low to begin with
Im Happy... we were sitting in Elk camp listening to the game and Pleasedear lost so he had to drive to town and get me a new Bronco"s hat...
I was at the game and it was a awesome experience.
The energy of the crowd was overwelming.
As a Broncos fan from way back in the Orange Crush days of the 70's, my first game at mile high couldn't have been any better.

As for the call, bad deal for the Chargers.

Go Broncos!!!

I know you don't like the Cowboys...

But I got bad news for you...we're headed
your direction son....

Your Azz is TOAST.......

Enjoy your paid off azz ref's,
cause y'all are gonna get your hats
handed to'ya later on.

Even with the paid off Ref's Fred.

Spark is so Above all of this Chit.


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