Sony's new electronic giamos

I already have many electonic gismos that I can't operate and I already use all of those words mentioned in the ad. bad language does not offend me, I rather enjoy it.

It's been said that I might have offended some of my neighbors within a four block radius when I am using some of my hi-tech gadgets that will not work the way I think they should work but I think my wife is embellishing the truth a bit..

Maybe one or two blocks but four???? C'mon..

Cracked me up!

That's why I try to stay away from all that.......stuff.:)

I get the Staples add in the newspaper and I don't have a clue what 90% of it is. I'll keep my 8-Track tapes, thank you very much.

Funny you should mention 8 track tapes Eel.. I still have my original 4 track tape player from my first car. That was back in.... well.. It was a hell of a longtime ago and I also have my newer and much more advanced 4&8 track player both Muntz blue lights.

I remember when I got that one I thought I was living large. Much simpler times for certain.

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