Sons First Coyote Hunt


Long Time Member
I took my 9 year old son, Canyon, out yesterday evening on his first coyote hunt. I took him to a spot locally that I've called them in before. Nothing came in on the first set but we sat and talked about how things will go down if one comes in. He was so into it and liked all the gear. We moved to a second set up a shot hike away and again, nothing came in. I let him blow on the call for a bit and we called it a day. Earlier we had seen a woodrats nest so he wanted to climb up the hill to check it out. While he was taking pictures of the nest with his cell phone, a vulture took off about 15 feet to our left. Never saw it or anything...scared the crap out of us. I said, lets go see if it was eating anything". We walked up the hill and found a cave where the vulture had been sitting on her eggs. It was amazing to see this. Canyon was stoked becuase he knew it was a rare find. Even though we saw no coyotes, it was a successful hunt. He had a blast and he's learning that you don't get to shoot everytime you go out. He said, "If you shoot something every time, it would get boring." I'm so happy he enjoyed himself. Here are some pictures.\'s_coyote_hunt_007.jpg\'s_coyote_hunt_008.jpg\'s_coyote_hunt_010.jpg\'s_coyote_hunt_011.jpg

Same thing happened. I am cutting and pasting the entire link and it is still not wirking. Anyone have any ideas?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-10 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]Wiz
it might not like the \ backslash after Canyon???
Sounds like a cool find.
You can't have an apostrophe (') in the filename when you upload it. Just change the filename and retry, it should work fine.

Nocked N Loaded
Here are the pics. Thanks for the help, JACO!





It was really wierd because our first set up was directly on the back side of the hill where this picture was taken. I had called a few times and we heard some rustling from behind us and I thought it was a coyote coming in from behind us but as it turns out, it must've been the vulture coming in and out of her den. How many times in your lifetime will you come up on something like this? Not many....we were pretty stoked. I was kind of hoping they were condor eggs. They are delicious!! :)

HK- I'm also waiting for the kill shot! There was no kill shot this trip. None of those little buggers came in so we'll have to give it another try this weekend.

Wisz - that is freaking cool! The vulture nest is quite a find - and yeah - don't reach your hand in there for sure!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Very cool Wiz! Had no clue they would nest in a cave. Looks like a good day spent with the little guy.
Those are some cool pics, looks like your boy is having a blast. That's a pretty rare find, congrats on a successful trip. It's not always about the killshot, some things are more rewarding.

Nocked N Loaded
See, that's why my kids don't talk to me now that they are gone.....and they don't let their kids around me much either.

I would have convinced Canyon that those were "bear eggs", and not gave up on it 'till someone else told him different.

Very cool that you have had that day afield.
Very cool Wiz!! I remember my first coyote hunt. My dad calling and the squalling sound he was making. Then all of a sudden a coyote slipped in on us and it kind of scared me from the standpoint how he got there without us(me) seeing him. I was 7 thinking that they may come and attack us:) But when I understood the whole scenario It made sense. varmint calling is my second passion! I love it! very challenging and humbling a lot of times. Last time I went out we shot six bobcats and 3 coyotes. Went out this weekend using the same techniques and BETTER country and got skunked for only 2 cats and a coyote. You boys keep it up and dont get discouraged if you get skunked!

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