sonnan vs. silva, who you got?



man i rootin' for chael!

i dont know, he seems pretty comfident. the guy is as good of a wrestler as anyone thats in the octagon today.
silva's been not looking as dominant as he used to be.

but i'll bet he's working a little harder on this one?

who you got? does chael sonnan have a shot?

i remember watching him in high school wrestling. he was one of the guys in are state that was just always at the top of his weight. i believe he was 182 way back then? for west linn?

i hope he kicks the crap outta silva, the guy cant even speak english...
Not sayin I am a fan of Silva, but I dont think he is done yet. The spider is gonna come out on top. Not sure sonnan is gonna get past those kicks and knees to get a take down.
I've got to say, Sonnen can sure sell a fight! But Silva is to sharp, to accurate, to fast, to skilled. I hope to see Sonnen take him down and beat on him but I just don't see it happening.
There will be no antics as in the past for Silva, Sonnen will bring the fight to him.
Going to be exciting though! especially since I'm going to be there.
As big John says.....Let's get it on!
I have always been a fan of Sonnen. I think his trash talk has been a bit over the top for this fight but I'm still a fan and hope he can win the fight.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-10 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]Rootin for chael...betting silva. The way he took Forrest apart was unreal. I hope it's a long fight.
And I'm betting chael isn't that cocky...he's selling PPV.

Go Spider. Sonnan definitely talks the talk and now it is showtime it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I would be interested to see if Chael gets beaten early if the Spider was lucky, good or whatever. I don't think he thinks he can lose and when he does, how will he react?

>Rootin for chael...betting silva. The way
>he took Forrest apart was
>unreal. I hope it's a
>long fight.
>And I'm betting chael isn't that
>cocky...he's selling PPV.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-10 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]
Well, I might have cheered for Sonnen but now that I see that Mr. Class himself KBKLansman is rooting for Sonnen, I hope that Silva beats his lilly white ass to a pulp and trash talks to him in Portuguese the whole time he is doing it.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
>AT 01:35?PM (MST)

>Well, I might have cheered for
>Sonnen but now that I
>see that Mr. Class himself
>KBKLansman is rooting for Sonnen,
>I hope that Silva beats
>his lilly white ass to
>a pulp and trash talks
>to him in Portuguese the
>whole time he is doing
> ?Men
>in general judge more by
>the sense of sight than
>by the sense of touch,
>because everyone can see, but
>only a few can test
>by feeling. Everyone sees what
>you seem to be, few
>know what you really are,
>and those few do not
>dare take a stand against
>the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli

homerj, how rude!

just cause i want to see a n##### get his asz beat, doesnt mean i'm racest. and who are you to judge? that word could mean "NAGGER"- which stand for someone who is allways nagging you. when silva fights, he is always "nagging" guys. so i just want to see a "nagger" get a beat down. jees, so quik to judge....


Nets are for fish!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-10 AT 02:01PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-10 AT 12:55?PM (MST)

>homerj, how rude!
>just cause i want to see
>a n##### get his asz
>beat, doesnt mean i'm racest.
>and who are you to
>judge? that word could mean
>"NAGGER"- which stand for someone
>who is allways nagging you.
> when silva fights, he
>is always "nagging" guys. so
>i just want to see
>a "nagger" get a beat
>down. jees, so
>quik to judge....

Awesome. Way to keep it classy. Just like the song you made up where you call your wife the most derrogatory female slander ever. OH YEAH! CLASSY CLASSY CLASSY!

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
have you ever lokked into a mirror, and said to yourself- " man, i am really a douche bag"?
if not, you should go check out the mirror...
The only way Sonnen wins this fight is by knock out. Silva done? Are you f'ing kidding me? I'll be the first to say that his demise started int he Cote fight. I don't like to watch him fight anymore cuz he is not the finisher he once was. He IS a finisher if he wanted to be. Look at what he did to Franklin....twice. Look at what he did to Hendo. The dude needs to be chalenged and no one can challenge him. Sonnen is selling this fight and that is all. he may be a great wrestler and IF he gets Silva on the ground, he had be very, very careful with his strikes because Silva will grab one of those arms and either arm bar him or slap on a nasty triangle. You guys crack me up!! Silva done? Sonnen going to put him into retirement? I've heard it all.....

If Silva fights the way he used to fight, this one doesn't go more than 2 rounds. If he fights the way he has in his last 4 fights, this one goes 5 to a decision.

Like to see Sonnen win but my money is on Silva. Silva has walked through everyone they have but in front of him with ease Hendo probably gave him the toughest fight but O'l Dan tapped... I would like to see Silva go to 205 and fight Jon Jones I don't think there is any one at 185 that can handle him.
>have you ever lokked into a
>mirror, and said to yourself-
>" man, i am really
>a douche bag"?
>if not, you should go check
>out the mirror...

Wow - thanks for the advice. I'm assuming that it works for you... thanks for sharing your self-affirmation techniques.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
>If Silva fights the way he
>used to fight, this one
>doesn't go more than 2
>rounds. If he fights the
>way he has in his
>last 4 fights, this one
>goes 5 to a decision.

i agree, but if randy coture fought the way he used to, we wouldn't be stuck with brock lesner either.

they all start getting old sometime. if you think about it, it's been a couple yrs since the spider was ripping rich franklin apart.

i'll still agree with you though. if i was putting money down, i'd probably have to put it on silva. but the thing with a great wrestler is they can dictate where the fight takes place. long before MMA, sonnon was 1 bad azz wrestler- as good as there has been in the octagon. i dont think even forest griffin has the will/ desire sonnon has( as if i really know from what we see on t.v., internet, etc...) but he is a lifelong wrestler and a very well decorated one. they dont come any tougher than that IMO.
we'll see, i deffinatly wouldn't be suprized if sonnon fought his game, take him down and just start pounding the hell out of him, but i also wouldn't be suprized to see the "spider's" knees flying like made and knocking the crap out of anything they hit.

you know what sucks? there is no way i can watch the fight!-- i'm outta town- unless i can find a bar that is playing it-- but i do have cell reception, and will be checking this site to get an update , round-by-round, if someone wouldn't mind.
oh, and HOMOGAY, (homerj) you would make a room full of retarded people look like the duke university

KB- I'm not suggesting that Silva is getting old and that is why he changed up his style. His style changed over nite for no apparent reason. He was blasting guys and then decided against Cote to hang back and try to get a fight into the later rounds. Unfortunately, Cote blew his knee and he was the only guy to ever take Silva into the 3rd round, I believe it was. I think Silva was tired of finishing his opponents so quickly. I think he feels that he trains so hard and for him to blow 3 months of training in less than 5 minutes is not worth it to him. That's the only thing I can think of. I dont think he's getting older...well, he is, obviously, but thats not why he changed his fighting style. I missed the Maia/Silava fight but have seen highlights of Silva being extrememly aggressive. I'd like to see THAT Anderson Silva again. The guy that blasts through guys....picks them apart with strikes....brings the nasty knees. That's what we want to see from him. Will he bring it this time? I hope Chael has talked enuf sh!t to bring that out in him.
I'm really wanting to see the Roy Nelson/Junior Dos Santos fight. Nelson is a deceiving fighter. I wouldn't bet against Dos Santos but if I had to pick an upset....this is it.

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KBK....Dan Henderson was as good a wrestler as the UFC has ever seen but Silva chocked him out. I don't think Silva has fought anyone lately that was much of a challenge to him he'll turn it up a notch if he has to sat. night.IMO
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agreed, but he was deffinatly on his way downhill. it would be a different fight if everyone was in their prime
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>agreed, but he was deffinatly on
>his way downhill. it would
>be a different fight if
>everyone was in their prime

Definitely on his way downhill?? Are you talking about Henderson when he fought Silva? I beg to differ. I would say he was about at the peak of his MMA prime - lets look at his fights just prior to that:

He fought Silva on 3/1/2008, the two years prior to that he split victries with Kaz Misaki on 4/2/2006 and 8/26/2006 - both were epic PRIDE battles, then he beats Vitor Belfort on 10/21/2006 and Wanderlei Silva of 2/24/2007 then loses a close decision to Rampage on 9/8/2007. His next fight is the loss to Silva, then he comes back with victories over Rousimar Palhares on 9/6/2008, Rich Franklin on 1/17/2009, and then with probably the best KO ever in MMA (maybe second only to his KO of Vanerlei) he defeats Bisping on 7/11/2009. He did lose to Shields on 4/17/2010 and didn't look like the same old Dan for sure, but he DAMN sure did when he fought Misaki, Belfort, Silva, Rampage, Palhares, Franklin and Bisping. If he was on the way downhill, he sure as hell was taking a really hard road down!!

Even in the fight with Anderson he didn't look that bad at the beginning. Go back and watch the fight - Hendo had Anderson in trouble early and was dictating the tempo. Anderson jut turned it around EXACTLY when he wanted to - he is just that good, and he hasn't lost anything - not by a mile. The last few fights he has done some serious stalling and showboating, but I think he will pull all the stops out against Sonnen, and that should make for a GREAT fight, Sonnen is definitely a gamer and will fight his heart out. He is tough and confident, I really like him, just not sure he can handle Silva when he unleashes it all. Too may tools in his toolbox.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
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Sonnen is not a smart fighter and never has been. He fights to stay in and then lose and not just tonight.
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HOLY FREAKING COW!! Can't believe it!!

SONNEN DOMINATED HIM! DOMINATED!!! For four and three quarter rounds - then Silva puts a triangle on him and he freaking taps! HE TAPPED!!!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
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so sonnon lost?

dang it! but it sounds like he made a pretty good showing. DETAILS PEOPLE, DETAILS. what happened?
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I knew that triangle was coming, Silva was setting it up the whole fight. I never one time heard Sonnens corner warn him about it. I really wish he would have been a little more cautious in the last round, he had the fight won.
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Wouldn't of belived it if I didn't see it, Sonnen kicked Silvas azz all night long but you could see the triangle chock comeing.... Sonnen was slid way to far down Silva in full guard, you just knew it was only a matter of time before Silva wraped him up. Great fight.
Matt Hughes looked good, them Brazilans haven't had much luck with him lately...
Big Country might have gottin beat but that is one hard headed S.O.B. big belly and all he is a tough dude.
All great fights
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Sonnan just should of danced. LOL That ruined my night, to see the guy dominate for 4 and half rounds and lose like that.
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Incredible night of fights overall. Definitely worth the $5 cover charge at the local sports bistro.

How about that choke out by Hughes using a front head and arm!? And Guida winning by breaking Don Anjos jaw in spite of getting beat for most of the fight!?

KB - here is a pretty good re-hash. Definitely can't say that Chael didn't back up what he was saying. He was doling out a pretty bad butt-whopping for 4 and a half rounds before Silva locked down that triangle. It was pretty amazing - one of those great sports moments that you are going to remember for the rest of your life and say "Where were you when..." - at least it was for me. I was shocked, stoked and mystified all at once.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
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thanks for the update. DANG IT! he's a stud, and to bad he couldn't have beat A.S. i'll bet they aren't talking about him being "unbeatable"(Anderson that is) as much as they have in the past.
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UFC is becoming more like WWF all the time. Its all about hype and selling PPV. I dont know that I trust the fights are completely "legit" anymore.
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Ohh they are still legit - that was just an incredible moment in sports! But I do have to agree the hype machine is getting old but Dana White and the Fertitta Bro.'s sure know how to make a chunk of change!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
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Yeah, the MMA events are legit. What a incredable performance by Chael, he did what he said he was going to do. I was going for Silva but have nothing but admiration and respect for Chael. What a great weekend!

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