Son is 11, apply him where and for what?


Active Member
I got to thinking about at least applying him for Colorado for elk since units like #10 take tons of points? Any ideas on what else he needs to be applying for? I know AZ has a youth license that is cheap. I'm leaving this opened ended to gain many responses.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
I've got kids too and I put them in for everything I can afford and buy points for deer, antelope and elk in Wyoming, Elk and Moose in Utah, deer, elk and antelope in Colorado. My advice is to apply for everything you can afford but the very minimum buy points.

It's always an adventure!!!
There are discounted youth hunts in many western states. (Probably back east as well, I just know the west.) Many are antlerless hunts, and some are buck/bull hunts with extended dates. You really should look into several states.

I've taken my sons hunting when they were 12 in Wyoming, Coloroado, Idaho, (now) Utah. Even as a non-resident you can get cheap youth tags in several of these states. If you are planning a trip to any of these states for yourself, look into how little it would cost to bring your child along. Better yet, dedicate a trip to Idaho, for example, just to their hunt, and you will have a great time.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]Arizona points for youth cost $26.50, a bargain when you look at a point for a adult $151. Wyoming and colorado both cost about $100 for deer, antelope tags. Less if you just buy the points. Nevada gives no breaks for non-resident youth, so it is $142 for a point, I have had to stay away from that one with my boy. We went to Wyoming on a 2nd choice antelope hunt last year and had a great time. We took 3 boys and split the cost, and it was a fun reasonably priced hunt. Plus he got a bonus point. We had a great time also last year on the Utah spike elk hunt. And elk antlerless hunts in Utah. The problem with AZ is when you do get your AZ elk tag, it is $600, but well worth it in my book. My boy gets put in for Utah Resident, then AZ, Wy, and Co, most of the time just for points, until we decide what hunt we want to go on then we will try for it. CO you can pretty much decide which year you want to hunt, just have to pick a hunt you can guarantee draw. I actually do put my boy in for Nevada also, but I do not buy the point, which makes the odds of him ever drawing slim to none.
>NM has the best youth hunts.


2007 Junior Elk hunt in NM...... My son was 12 then, and it was his first elk. Great hunt. ;-)


If you ever think he will want to hunt sheep, I would look at starting now with points for him, if you can afford it. I did that for my son, starting when he was old enough to put in. He drew his desert sheep tag last year (lucky draw on less than top points) and he will be in line for a Wyoming bighorn in another 7 or 8 years. Without me starting as soon as I could, he would be a very old man before draw one of those tags if he waited to start when he was old enough to afford it himself.
I took him on his first big game hunt in Colorado when he was 11 (he turned 12 during the hunt). He now has 10 deer points in CO. I also took him on a left over antelope tag hunt in Wyoming when he was 12 and we had a blast. Getting your son out when he is young is a great experience for both of you. I would rather hunt with my son than anyone else in the world. Good luck and what ever you do, enjoy the time with your kids.

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