Someone on MM owns this



Who is it fess up
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-07 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]It's not mine, but I do have a turtle head that I feel might resemble that!
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
>It's not mine, but I do
>have a turtle head that
>I feel might resemble that!
Oh that is just sick! lol
>It's not mine, but I do
>have a turtle head that
>I feel might resemble that!
Oh that is just sick! lol

Thanks for the aknowledgement! I couldn't resist!:)
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-07 AT 03:12AM (MST)[p]I think i found the owner.....i could be wrong , as i have been wrong lots of times


we'll see if he disputes it?
Well - you got me! Actually I do not own it, it is on loan to me from Eelgrass but it is a very useful hunting tool. It is called the TrojanTurtle2007. It is a very durable Volkswagen Beatle that has been converted into a hunting blind/decoy. While I did use it for some of my scouting expeditions for my upcoming hunt in the coveted 99-666 hunt for the Virgin River Gorge Desert Devil Terrapin, legally it can only be used during the hunting season in Texas though where blind hunting for Turtles is preferred. It has all the necessary hunting accessories too, gun rack, knife sharpener, reloader, A/C, 6-disk cd changer with Dolby Digital Surround Sound (you know - for when you are calling turtles in), flat panel projection screen, satellite dish and DVD player. We have had some recent problems with it though. It appears that one of the big Texas males though did um, uh, how should I say this, "get the job done" on it and now we need to replace the tailpipe. BTW - does anyone out there know if "organic turtle material" (let's keep it adult here!) will damage your pistons? It looks like he may have got it all the way into the engine through the exhaust system. Not too worried about it if it is just in the exhaust, but if it penetrated the engine block, then we may have some problems. I am kind of worried because when I checked the oil it had sort of a milky hue to it. Oh well, it's Eel's problem to deal with anyway. Don't worry Eel - I'll have her back to you for the CA opener in Jan.

5 days until the opener! Can't wait!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I want to know who found my trail cam. I had that cam in the perfect spot to scout for my upcomming turtle hunt. I was the only one that knew about this watering hole and the trophy turtles that were comming into it. Now everyone in MM land knows that there is a hog of a Turtle out there and my secret spot will get overran by guys on 4wheelers.

Thanks alot who ever posted this pic.

Well Jeff....i think you and Roy may have the same honeyhole down there in So. Utah...Virgin River Gorge territory. You're gonna have to fight Roy for that spot come Devil Terrapin Season. I don't which is more dangerous....Roy guarding his giant turtle huntin' spot or the turtle itself. Be careful out there!
No sweat Roy! She was custom built to turtle hunting specs. The engine is built to "take it", if you know what I mean! There is an internal relief valve that acts like a bypass. Any foreign substance is sent through a special filter from K&N too, so no harm done! Changing the element is kind of a messy job though.

Just drive her hard Roy! A turtle hunt is no place to hold back! Enjoy, and best of luck!


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