Someone needs a spankin!

thanks dude ! iv'e watched this like 14 times. last night the wife caught me i got smacked in the arm for it ! i smacked her ass but unfortunatly it giggled for about five minutes after i popped it ! just not the same !!!!!
You got caught watchin, but if she reads what you posted you're really in trouble!lmao

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-11 AT 03:22PM (MST)[p] my bad yes JIGGLED lol ! so glad i found this forum you guys are great......she quit smoking last fall and the pounds keep coming . the other day i said " shake that @ss like a black girl " wow if your wife is selfconcious of her backside don't ever say that. she charged me like a momma grizily with injured cubs......i have to remember when i drink NOT to bring that up !
>AT 03:22?PM (MST)

> my bad yes JIGGLED lol
>! so glad i
>found this forum you guys
>are great......she quit smoking last
>fall and the pounds keep
>coming . the other day
>i said " shake that
>@ss like a black girl
>" wow if your wife
>is selfconcious of her backside
>don't ever say that. she
>charged me like a momma
>grizily with injured cubs......i have
>to remember when i drink
>NOT to bring that up

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Welcome to the forums Beavis14... I think you will fit in just fine![/IMG]

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