
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITLLE SIS! Hope you get everything you want!! Another Martha Stewart Cutting board or a new vaccuum! YEE HAAAWW!!!

Save a steak for me!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
+1 "Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear TK,
Happy birthday to you."

Your catching up to me Jenn!!;-)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Tag that is awesome! I can tell who each one is too!

JB is the pig playing the bass!

Ransom is the chicken playing the guitar!

Bess is the cat playing the other guitar! (yeah I know that is a stretch - but lets pretend its an ugly cat!)

Kilowatt is the little mouse playing the washboard!

Eelgrass is the old turtle playing cards!

Slamdunk is the bug-eyed (roided out) frog in the corner looking creepy!

And of course Jenn will agree - I'm the black sheep singing the song! (Yes I am the black sheep of the family!)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>It was sent to my e
>mail address by accident, i'm
>quite sure it was meant
>for you JENN..... Happy Birthday

LOL That was hilarious, Tag! Thanks! Great band.
Happy b-day tee-tee! Don't be alarmed when Bess shows up a your door carrying a boom box and wearing a cop uniform.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Shucks .... Now I feel really bad! If indeed our Jenn is 23, I have had twice as many birthdays if she was 28! I'm thinking more like 32! That would make Kilo twice her age!

"For crying out loud" .... who cares????



or sheep ... i forget which (smile)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-08 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]Jenn, another birthday to celebrate? That makes THREE in the last few days!:) You and Roy are the best!

>Jenn.....I hope this means you are
>a few months OLDER than
>me...instead of me being a
>year older than YOU!
>Hope you had a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!
If you're turning 23 you are, FLEH. lol I'm 34! How old are you?

Thanks, Eel! Right back atcha!

Thanks everyone! It's been a great day.
>Happy b-day tee-tee! Don't be
>alarmed when Bess shows up
>a your door carrying a
>boom box and wearing a
>cop uniform.

LOL WOHOO! I'll keep the porchlight on!
Happy birthday Jenn from sunny Southern Utah. Sorry its a day late but the heat from that bright yellow ball in the sky is starting to cook my brain.

Hey, I have been a reading and posting here on this site for quite a while, and come to think of it I have never seen a pic of you Jenn.

Lets see who can come up with the best pick of TTK.

>>Jenn.....I hope this means you are
>>a few months OLDER than
>>me...instead of me being a
>>year older than YOU!
>>Hope you had a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!
>If you're turning 23 you are,
>FLEH. lol I'm 34!
>How old are you?
>Thanks, Eel! Right back atcha!
>Thanks everyone! It's been a great

I knew that you were 34, we have talked about it before....So that does make you just a few months older!!! hehehehe
>Hey, I have been a reading
>and posting here on this
>site for quite a while,
>and come to think of
>it I have never seen
>a pic of you Jenn.
OH I've been on here, Jeff. You just haven't been paying attention.
Dang Jenn, I must have been out hunting that day and didn't get that post read. Sounds like I am a couple of months older then you as well. I get the big 35 this year.

A young teenager that lives next to me told me the other day that life is half over when you hit 35. Guess I am almost at the top of the hill.

>Dang Jenn, I must have been
>out hunting that day and
>didn't get that post read.

D13er's got a couple pics of me he'll sell to the highest bidder. LOL (for real he does and he knows I'll KILL him if he ever shows anyone.)
Alright D13er's. We here on MM land are all witnesses to the threats that have been made on your life. Go ahead and show us the Pics of Jenn and we will all have your back. She wouldn't dare do anything to you with all of us knowing of her threats.

2 options here boys.....send bids via PM.

Option 1. clothed

Option 2. unclothed

Bid away...

>2 options here boys.....send bids via
>Option 1. clothed
>Option 2. unclothed
>Bid away...
LOL are so bad!
Here's a picture rumored to be TripleK,
She looks really smart in them glass's,
Plus, she puts the the TT in TTK :)


I thought that you said that d13er was the one that had Pics of you. I should have known that B_F_E could come up with something to share with all of us.

Do you have any comments or replys to this Pic.

>Do you have any comments or
>replys to this Pic.
Oh that was THE BEST turkey I've ever roasted. So big and plump. Sometimes I like to show off my cooking skills. Too bad my hair was so flat and just yucky that day. How embarrassing.
Too bad my hair was so flat and just yucky that day. How embarrassing.

Don't worry about it. You're forgiven!:)

My My, triple K is one Very Pretty Young Lady. I'd much rather see a picture like this of a wholesome attractive country girl than some skinny piece of fluff. My My!
That certainly is the breast, I mean best looking turkey I have ever seen! Makes me want to gobble it up. Or go motor boating, one or the other. D-oh!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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