Some people suck...


Very Active Member
If someone in your family was being deployed for their 3rd combat tour and needed 3 horses hauled 1400 miles so his wife could be with her family this time and will pay the fuel and all exspenses would you still charge him $1000 ?
My sons brother in law wants to charge him $1000 plus for hauling them. I told my boy to charge him for protecting him.

I was going to do it in late july like planed, but it just got moved up to next week. No way can I do it next week.
So to get this straight, your son is being deployed for his 3rd tour (Iraq? Aghanistan? - let us know - and God Bless him for his service and you for your sacrifice!) and has some horses. For this deployment, his wife, your daughter-in-law wants to be closer to her folks who live 1400 miles away and needs to take the horses with her. So her brother (??) will do it but still wants to charge $1000 above fuel and other expenses?

That is pretty low - regardless if he is a veteran or not! We are talking about family here!! Sorry but this struck a nerve with me. Why does he wan't to charge a grand? Will he be missing work? Maybe so, but I thought stuff like this was part of the cost of being family.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ok, he is being deployed to Afganistan for a 12 month tour he's been to Iraq twice, once for 12 months and once for 15 No big deal thats what he does for a living. We had it planned that I would haul their horses to her home town about 1400 miles away but things changed and he is headed to CA for some training first for a month, so she is moving next week. I really don't know her brother but he has a truck and trailer and could haul the horses for them but wants $1000 for his time. Under any other circumstance I would understand that but when your brother in law is laying it on the line for you for a third time I think the guy would just do it, he has all the time in the world right now .(unemployed)
I talked to my brother last night and him and his son are going to haul them.
...nickman...THANKS for the offer !!!
Hell I would do it just for the roadtrip! Roadtrips are more fun than stomping baby chickens(Sick figure of speach, no I do not stomp chicks):) You may look on some horse web-sites or even rodeo websites,because people are always hauling during the summmer headed rodeo to rodeo? This may help?
LAST EDITED ON May-15-09 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-15-09 AT 08:15?AM (MST)

Thanks to your son for his service.

The b-law just rubs me wrong also, I want to chock the living crap out of him and I don't even know him!

Looking at the other side of things, I know, I have payed some family members to do some stuff, because I will not just hand it over if they could be working!

He is unemployed
Has a truck and trailer
Needs to eat
1400 x 2 = 2800 / 60 miles an hr = 46 hours
1000 / 46 = $21.73 hr compensation for time and ware-n-tare on the truck & trailer

Has a truck and trailer payment?
Has a wife and kids to feed?
Has a house payment?

Anyways, I'd still like to kick his arse.
Glad it's working out. We owe our servicemen and women and their families!

nickman, you're a good man!

Well, I'm kinda with cjboz on this one............ROAD TRIP!

See some new country, make some new friends, catchin' some grub at a Mom & Pop cafe that I never been to's all GOOD!

One of the advantages to being my age, my time is flexible and I LIKE it real well.

I get to go along on hunting trips to NM, UT, NV and CO, this fall and I don't even have a tag for any of them, except maybe CO.

A couple of days hauling some horses for a ain't like he wanted me to actually have to ride one again!

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