Some news

I love the logic. We could see something happen and as a result we need to quit doing what has been working for years.

Nearly every single unit in CO has tested positive for CWD, yet we still have good game numbers. Sure mule deer are down but no one can contribute that to CWD. I am willing to bet it is already in the herds they just have not tested enough animals to actually find it yet. Sorry but CWD has been around for decades now and it is not going away no matter what we try to do about it.
I sure hate feeding the friends and family with any type of CWD meat----

Biggest reason I do not hunt Colorado anymore----no way I am eating any elk/deer harvested in Colorado to date.

Granted, it is a personal big deal if others harvest and eat that CWD units/meat outta Colorado.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-13 AT 04:36PM (MST)[p]>I sure hate feeding the friends
>and family with any type
>of CWD meat----
>Biggest reason I do not hunt
>Colorado anymore----no way I am
>eating any elk/deer harvested in
>Colorado to date.
>Granted, it is a personal
>big deal if others harvest
>and eat that CWD units/meat
>outta Colorado.

***You better quit hunting in Wyoming too then Rob because it's all over out there. The only way you could be assured you're not eating meat from an animal that may have CWD is to submit the head for testing before eating any of it. IMHO it has been blown way out of proportion and I don't worry one bit about it.
Dang good point Mike.

The last Colo meat I ate I got the chits and even my friends didn't want any more.....made me wonder the 'what if' cwd had something to do with it.

So far nothing similar from eating wyo/ida. or ut. meat....

>Dang good point Mike.
>The last Colo meat I ate
>I got the chits and
>even my friends didn't want
>any more.....made me wonder the
>'what if' cwd had something
>to do with it.
>So far nothing similar from eating
>wyo/ida. or ut. meat....

***You probably got the chits from that 12 pack you drank while eating that CO meat, LOL!!!
At some of the meat processors the game and fish will set up a booth and like topgun said test the deer head. when I was in high school we went out watched a game warden dig through the upper neck looking for a little puss looking sack.
Lloyd Dorsey is a mentally challenged. He's had a agenda for 25yrs in Wyoming. The facts are that without feed grounds we have a gigantic loss of elk deer, and bighorn sheep. 80% of elk in Western Wyoming utilize feed grounds. There what you call a necessary evil. There has never been a elk or deer to test with CWD on a feed ground. When it shows up on a feed ground, which it probably will it will have moved from another area and will have the same incident rates as areas that are already affected. This is scare tactics & nothing more.
IMHO CWD is the last thing we need to worry about with everything else thatis going on with the drought, loss of habitat, etc.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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