Some Gave All


Very Active Member
Although a day never goes by that I don't think of my fallen brothers, it is time to honor the true American heros that have given there life for this country. I say a prayer and thank each and every one of them.
In 04 my oldest boy was serving in Iraq with the 3/7 Marines and although not with Jason at the time he was in the area and was at the memorial in camp when they got word that Jason didn't make it. God Bless them All !
THANK YOU to all the brave men and women who've given their lives in defense of our country, it's people and our liberty.

It is because of our military service people doing what they do, that we are able to do what we do.
The opportunity to say thanks and honor those who have served and are serving, makes Memorial Day my favorite holiday. Even if we are out of town, we make a point that the entire family wakes early and goes to the local Memorial Day service least I can do.

Tomorrow is a special Memorial Day. Two dear friends who met each other in Khe Sanh, during the seige in 1968 have asked our family to join them for the local services. Though I was only four years old when they were fighting for their lives, spending time with them makes me understand a even more of what our service members go through.

They humbly deny that they did anything special, but my 18 year old son is quite affected by their presence and gains some perspective of what it takes to protect our freedoms.

As others have said, "Thanks" to all. May God bless you and your families.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"

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