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Navy SEAL and American hero Mike Murphy recieved the Medal of Honor today and rightfuly so. Murphy is the 3rd warrior to recieve the medal since the start of the middle east wars joining fellow New Yorker, Jason Dunham 2004 and Paul Smith 2003 of Florida as the three recipiants. All three were KIA. God bless them all! Mike is pictured here on the left along with fellow SEAL Matt Axelson also killed that day.


Michael P Murphy
Specialty: Navy SEAL
BUD/S Class: 235
SEAL Service: (TBD)
Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 29
Home: Patchogue, New York
Assigned: SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Died: June 28, 2005
Operation: Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)
Details: Murphy was the leader of a four-man SEAL reconnaissance unit that secretly infiltrated into the Hindu-Kush mountains on June 27, 2005. Ambushed on the 28th by overwhelming Taliban forces, Murphy valiantly climbed into the open onto high ground to make an electronic call for rescue. Wounded, he fought on, allowing one member of his squad to escape, before he himself was killed. Murphy?s remains were found during a combat search and rescue operation, July 4, 2005.
Awards: Lt. Michael Murphy is currently under consideration for the Congressional Medal of Honor. If granted the award, he would be only the third service member to earn that highest national honor since President Bush sent U.S. military forces to Afghanistan in 2001, and later to Iraq. He would also be the first Navy recipient since the Vietnam War.
Other Awards: Silver Star
Purple Heart
Combat Action Ribbon
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Contributions: Murphy was part of a dedicated team fighting the Taliban, a fundamentalist regime that a U.S.-led coalition knocked from power in Afghanistan in 2001, but has continued to conduct guerilla operations, particularly along the Pakistan border. Murphy worked to help ensure al-Qaeda terrorists could not train in, nor launch strikes from Afghanistan since their lethal attack on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001.
Michael Murphy was a National Honor Society student and varsity football athlete in high school. After graduating from Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Political Science, Murphy turned down offers to two law schools to join the Navy and become a SEAL. He served on missions in Jordan, Iraq (twice), Qatar, and Djibouti in East Africa.

LT Murphy deployed to Afghanistan in April 2005. He was the leader of a four-man SEAL squad that secretly infiltrated into the 9,000 foot Hindu-Kush mountains along the Pakistan border on June 27th. The team was conducting a sensitive mission to capture or kill high-value Taliban target Ahmad Shah, known as Ismail, when ambushed by overwhelming Taliban forces. A fierce firefight ensued.

For about 45 minutes, the men fought on, as ammunition ran low. Three SEALs were wounded by gunfire or rocket- propelled grenades. One screamed, ?I'm hit!? Murphy yelled back, ?We?re all hit! Keep moving!?

LT Murphy climbed to higher ground and into the open to make an electronic call for help. Despite his severe wounds, he completed the call and continued fighting, exhorting his men to escape while he held off their attackers.

A Quick Reaction Force immediately mobilized in a daring daytime mission to reinforce the SEAL squad. Eight Navy SEALs and eight Army Night Stalker commandos perished when their MH-47 helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and crashed.

The four-man SEAL squad courageously fought on alone. Michael Murphy, Matthew Axelson and Danny Dietz were killed in the fierce firefight as they provided protective fire that allowed a fourth squad member (Petty Officer Marcus Luttrell) to escape. Wounded in both legs, Luttrell walked several miles and was hidden and protected by an Afghani shepherd until U.S. commandos rescued him July 3, 2005.

Murphy?s remains were found during a combat search and rescue operation on July 4, 2005. He is being considered for the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic actions. His teammates who fought alongside him -- Axelson, Dietz, and Luttrell ? were awarded the Navy Cross, the service?s 2nd highest award, for valor. The eight SEALs who died in their heroic attempt to rescue them, were all awarded the Bronze Star.

Rear Admiral Joseph Maguire, Commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, told Murphy?s father, ?Don?t think these men went down easily?Taliban bodies were strewn all over, 30-40 were killed, with a total of 80 casualties from the four- man team.?

Michael Murphy is remembered with the greatest respect and gratitude by his fellow SEALs, the Navy, and our nation.

Memorials: Michael?s father, a Vietnam veteran, remarked that his son ?wasn?t into medals and calling attention to himself.? That noted, he said, ?If he is awarded it (the Medal of Honor), it will be a reflection of what we already know about Michael: his bravery, his focus, his determination, his spirit of never give up.?
One of Murphy?s SEAL BUD/S instructors wrote, ?I've heard from the one who survived, details about your final moments, and I just want to say that you are an inspiration, a hard core warrior through and through, exactly what every Team guy aspires to be like.?

A BUD/S classmate inspired by Michael?s toughness and determination wrote, ?I remember you with your stress fractures post Hell-Week and limping around with your iron will. Those thoughts will never leave my mind and further commit myself to our country?s undying cause of freedom.?

A SEAL about to enter BUD/S training, inspired by Murphy?s actions, wrote, ?I want your family and friends to know that you, all the SEALs and every other military force?s sacrifice will not go unappreciated.?

And a personal friend recalled, ?We always knew he was a tough son of a #####, but he was so nice.? At the end of his radio transmission for help, despite his severe wounds and dire situation, Murphy ? ever the officer and gentleman ? said, ?Thank you.?
People like Mike have a place on the other side reserved for their sacrifice and service. Thank you all who risk your lives for me and my family.

I saw on the news where CNN never cut away from the California fires to cover the ceremony as Fox and MSNC did.
California burns every year, true American heros are hard to come by.
I read that with a real funny feeling. My cousin is in the Seals but he is in his low 40s so I dont think (I really dont know) he is in those situations.
He has had several tours in the middle east over the last several years and it scares me every time he goes.

My 2 cousins have been in the military well over 20 years each and I feel a little guilty each time we get together. They live in base housing with their families not benefiting from growing equity by owning a home and sacrificing their financial future by being in the military. They are both bright and solid guys. They could have made a helluva a lot more money in the private sector.

I hope everyone remembers that this is a voluntary military that we have and they have done us all proud. We are all indebted to them.
What a hero. And theres lots of others we don't hear about.

Lt Murphy's last words were 'thank you' to the guys on the other end of the sat phone as he laid there dying.
i read it, didnt really know much about it, i want to say thank you for supporting as much as you do. I have been to iraq 2 once with the marines, and once with the army. Different worlds, never really officaially thanked until i got out and came back to idaho from california. Sometimes its hard to feel like you did the right thing when everyone is starting to protest what right we have in iraq. Trust me i have been in tourture chambers, i have been places i dont want to remember but i always will. People take for granted the right to have an oppinion. Veterans day is around the corner take a min to remember those that didnt come home, and honor the ones who didnt and the ones who did. Have a good one all
If you want the whole story of Murphy's heroics go buy the book "Lone Survivor". It was written by the sole survivor of that SEAL team. It is a great read and is still on the non-fiction bestseller list.
glad to see he did get the medal of honor, there are alot more that deserve more then the silver or bronze stars they get, or the navy cross.
May he rest in peace and guard the gates of Heaven.

Sgt Mike

Aim Center Mass
God Bless our Brave Troops and there families.
The sacrifices they have made to keep our country free and the freedom we enjoy because of there efforts should never be taken for granted.
Thanks to all.
here are some pics from the area these guys operated. They fought off a substantial amount of enemy before they were finally over run. If you have time i advise reading the book...enjoy the pics and be lucky you have never had to walk up and down these steep cliffs...


These are pics of a friend that was with me in Afghanistan. This is the terrain that these individuals were forced to fight on.
Heroes for sure. I tried to buy the book yesterday but they were sold out. I'm waiting for my copy


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