Some Colorado Moose


LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-06 AT 05:25PM (MST)[p]This is from the NASHC website.

As some of you may have read in my first picture post in this forum I found my first set of moose antlers lying on top of one another. That's a helluva way to start things and I thought it could never be topped. Well, I was wrong.

I am tired of looking in the same area time and time again so the night before I decided to check out a place that looked interesting on the map. It was a cool (~50 degrees), drizzly, and windy day. I started off the day by driving to my new destination at 11000'. The weather wasn't too hot but I decided to check out an area that looked good on the map and to do some fishing as well. I hiked down the 4 wheel drive dirt road to get to the trailhead as I did not want to destroy my wife's camary. After a couple of miles I reached the trailhead and dropped in to the trail. The trail was all downhill which is great for going in but hell for coming out. After another couple of miles I arrived at an ephemeral stream that I walked down until I hit the river. I arrived at the river and realized that this section was a slot canyon and not so conducive to fishing or shed hunting. I decided to try my luck anyways and climbed my way down and started to fish. After a few minutes of not checking any thing I started to climb down from the other bank and slipped and busted my ass. I then made the decision that I wanted to live a little longer and that fishing could wait.

I got out of the slot canyon and continued on my way upstream to where I knew some marsh land was located. I was kind of leary about searching the area as it is still pretty high in elevation (upper 9000') so I didn't know if the moose still hung out in the place during winter. I found the trail again and continued hiking along it to my destination. Along the way I noticed a rub in an opening about 150' away from the trail. I decided to investigate because it never hurts to look.

This is what I saw about 20' from the rub.



Sorry about the crappy image quality but I had to use my cellphone's camera. I was kicking myself for not bringing the digital.

These were a matched set of mid 60's shiras lieing right on top of one another! I damn near crapped my pants when I saw them.

I picked up the antlers and continued on to my destination and saw tons of sign but no more antlers. This area is definitely worth another look-see next year.

The weird thing is, is how often do you find antlers laying on top of one another? And how often do those antlers have their browe tines intertwined? I don't know if they were like that naturally or if someone found them pretty close to one another and decided to put them together. I am inclined to say naturally because the chew marks from the rodents are both on top of both the antlers and I couldn't imagine anyone not wanting to bring them home.

Mind you, this is the second time I have found antlers literally laying on top of one another. I'm thinking I should start buying lottery tickets.

Hopefully I will post pictures tomorrow with me hold them or something of that nature.

Another nice set

I got to go out last Saturday before I went to visit the father in law in Colorado Springs and it turned out to be a fairly productive day. As many of you know or have figured out by now I have found an area in Colorado that just keeps on producing moose sheds. What's weird is that I think only a few have been picked up by others because there is a hiking trail that goes through where the moose sometimes like to hang out. Ok, back to the story.

I arrived in the area around 10:30 raring to go find some antlers. 6 hours later I hadn't found a damn thing. I was beginning to worry that my luck had abandoned me because I was starting to get into higher elevations where I didn't think the moose would be during winter. Apparently I was wrong. I went about a mile up from the place that I had stopped at last time and kept looking up and along the aspen gulches. I went through two new ones before I began to approach a third when BAM, antler city!



I found this guy at the bottom of the draw near the creek. I assumed that if I was going to find the other antler it was going to be up the draw. I went up the draw and saw a ridiculous amount of sign but no other antler at least in the lower portion. I got bored of searching that area and decided to head upstream when I saw something that made me go "Uhhhhhhhh"



It was the matchy mcmatcherson and it was a non-typical (look for the kicker off of one of the tines that it is resting on). As I was taking the picture I thought I heard in the breeze coming from the direction of Louisiana a whispering "Nah Nah Nah Naaaahhhhh". I love you Master P.



This is my best matched set to date and I think they would both score in the lower 60s. The fun part was hiking 6 miles back with an additional 20-25 lbs on me back. I really need to workout more.

Hopefully there will be another edition soon.
RE: Pictures of the moose that my friend got during hunting season

Hopefully I'll be able to find his sheds again this year.

I like moose.
RE: Pictures of the moose that my friend got during hunting season

Diggity, Thanks for sharing the pictures and the sheds with us. Nice job! You did good.
RE: Pictures of the moose that my friend got during hunting season

Wonder who took those pics of the moose. Hats off to that guy...
RE: Pictures of the moose that my friend got during hunting season

Some jerk from Loveland named Jon who's too good at finding sheds...
RE: Another nice set

Love the pics and the tale! I'd like to see a big antler below a rub in the lodgepole. Moose generally lose their antlers a lot earlier than mule deer and elk. A neighbor in Montana shot what he thought was a cow and then discovered it was an old bull that had shed! This happened near Thanksgiving time. Maybe your bulls shed in the high country before the big snows came and I understand they can yard up in an area with deep snow depths.
Have you 2 been out lately?
Just got back from San Diego today. Its tough being out of work!Jeff
Jeff, we went out a couple of weeks ago and found nothing besides sign. Find some work, make some money, and then visit me in Alaska in a year and a half. $400 dollar moose tags and hopefully I'll have a handle on where they live by then.

I'll take you up on that one Joe...Headed up high this weekend to do a little scouting, hopefully I'll run into a moose or two.
There are no moose in AZ so I want some pictures of the monsters of Northern Colorado!!
Jon, did you get the email on the shed season that has been dropped? I would like to think I had a hand in making the wildlife commission drop the proposal by sending emails in opposition to it.


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