solve this equation


Long Time Member
This was created on another site - Brings up an interesting conversation.

The equation is:


So what's the answer to this problem?


I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Or would it be 2?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Mathematical order of operations:

1. Do all calculations within parentheses.
2. Do all multiplication and division from left to right.
3. Dol all addition and subtraction from left to right.

48/2(9+3)= ?
48/2(12)= ?

"success Is Reason Enough!"
288. There is no need for a X symbol if the numbers are next to each other?? RIGHT??? :) I hope so..
College was a long time ago, but this is my guess

The answer appears to be 2

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
My initial reaction was 288, but the more I think about it:

48 divided by

2times(9 plus 3)= 24

48 divided by 24= 2


The guy that does the Draw Odds on her better watch his job!!! Mathematicians + MM junkies = Failures!! I have a feeling if we were all in the same classroom taking a math test we would all end up with different answers and still Fail!! LOL
If in doubt google it out. Sorry but 2 is wrong. It is all in the order of steps. If you do it what I like to call, the right way, the answer is 288.


LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-11 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]1911 That equation has parenthesis around the 48/2. I had the wife look at it and she said 2. Either way if I am right or wrong I told her she was right. I want to get lucky tonight. Maybe if I play dumb she will take advantage of me:)?? Last time we played around I divided two legs and got two kids at once....what genius has answer for that??
20 Budweisers?


I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>AT 09:27?PM (MST)

>1911 That equation has parenthesis around
>the 48/2. I had
>the wife look at it
>and she said 2. Either
>way if I am right
>or wrong I told her
>she was right. I want
>to get lucky tonight. Maybe
>if I play dumb she
>will take advantage of me:)??
>Last time we played around
>I divided two legs and
>got two kids at once....what
>genius has answer for that??

This is the smartest answer

The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
...yes but look at how I entered it above. The proof is in, PC posted 2 so the answer has to be 288. Either way you played that one smooth with the misses boz. lol
The answer is 288 and that is how many Budweisers that PC drinks per hunting trip.

288 is the correct answer.

Parenthesis, exponential, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.
Those are the basic laws of math period.
So if we follow those the parenthesis are done first. Which leaves a twelve in parenthesis. Then u have left 48/2(12). In pemdas multiplication comes before division there fore we now do multiplication which means u multiply 2 by 12. Now all we have left I'd 48/24. The answer is 2. Google is wrong sorry. Don't believe everything u google. Did I read that right or is someone just trying to throw us off. Anyone have math cad? If so type it I. And do a screen capture of the answer invade we are wrong.
Anyone getting 2 is setting up the equation wrong. This is what the written equation translates into.

and this is what you do with it.


That was the day when Kim wore her Ditto jeans to school and it was
to much of a distraction.....



Are you sayin?

You got an A in Math & never cracked a Book?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Looks like all you guys need to stay right here at the Campground and bullshit each other and not try to become math wizards!!!
I understand the concepts of the "concoidial arch".

I know the difference between the two subspecies of "Galapagos Tortoise".

"Oceanographic thermoclines" do not confuse me, and I comprehend the process to find "ballistic coefficients.

In my life, two things have slipped my mental grasp; "Algebra".....and the idea of "Extra Money".

The answer is 288....cuz JB said so!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 09:28AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 09:26?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 09:25?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 09:16?AM (MST)

P 9 + 3 = 12
M 2(9+3) = 24
D 48/24 = 2
No 'A'
No 'S'

The google answer (as well as the other screenshots) is assuming there is/are ( ) around the 48/2; there are none. The 48/2 is being done out of order. 288 is not even close to the correct answer.

PMDAS or PEMDAS refers to the mathematical order of operations or order of precedence.

>This was created on another site
>- Brings up an interesting
>The equation is:
>So what's the answer to this

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Let me explain it for ya. The 2 is directly next to the parethesis, so you have to times it back into them.

48/2(9+3) is not the same as 48/2 x (9+3)!!!

You cant separate the 2 from the (9+13). If you write it down like a normal fractioon the 48 would be your number on top( the numerator) and 2(9+13) would be the bottom number (the denominator).

For the ones typed into the websites they were just typed in wrong so it generated the wrong response.
Is Excel any more trustworthy than Google?

Enter the equation in Excel and it gives you a fault and recomends an equation correction.

Assuming Excel is programmed with the correct math laws and you accept the change you get 288.
Standard Order of Operations
If one strictly uses the standard order of operations to solve mathematical expressions, the answer to the problem would be 288, which is also the same solution provided by WolframAlpha and Google.

By convention, the order of precedence in a mathematical expression is as follows:

Terms inside of Brackets or Parentheses.
Exponents and Roots.
Multiplication and Division.
Addition and Subtraction.
If there are two or more operations with equal precedence (such as 10?2?5 or 7?2*9), those operations should be done from left to right.

Therefore, the problem ?48?2(9+3) =? would be solved like this:

48 ? 2 * (9+3)=
48 ? 2 * (12)=
48 ? 2 * 12=
24 * 12=
Solving for the answer 2 is sometimes a result of doing multiplication before division. Much of the confusion can be blamed on PEMDAS (sometimes known as, ?Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally?) and other similar mnemonics used to teach order of operations in schools.

As an example, PEMDAS stands for:

Whereas BEDMAS stands for:

The former can lead to the implication that addition always comes before subtraction, and that multiplication always comes before division. The latter can lead to the implication that addition always comes before subtraction, and that division always comes before multiplication.

If one uses multiplication before division (PEMDAS being especially popular in the United States), the problem would be solved like this:

48 ? 2 * (9+3)=
48 ? 2 * (12)=
48 ? 2 * 12=
48 ? 24=
However, solving the problem like this would be considered erroneous because multiplication and division hold equal precedence.

Some sources maintain that multiplication does not always comes before division:

No one has got the right answer. Its neither 2 nor 288. The correct response is that there is no equation. An equation would have to have two sides or expressions with equal values on both sides, or an assumption of equal value. To equate something would mean that there is balance. There is no balance in the statement. There is no equal sign. You were not asked to solve for x on the right hand side of the expression. It's not an equation.


My head hurts... Where's the boobies?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 02:59PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 02:21?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 02:19?PM (MST)

DING DING DING! We have a winner. Sorry but the original math sentence presented is not an equation so you can't solve it.

BUT if there were an equal sign, then the answer would be 2. Order of operations dictates that multiplication comes before division. At least that is the way I was taught. Parentheses, multiplication, then division. Here is how you have to look at it

___ = ???


You have to look at it as numerator over denominator. The order of operations dictates that you solve for the unresloved denominator first so:

Start with the addition inside the parentheses:

9+3 = 12

Now do the multiplication in the denominator:

2(12) = 24.

Now divide the numerator by the denominator:

48/24 = 2.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
How can the answer be two if it is equal to zero? If you assume it equals zero there are no longer any unknown variables as you have already assigned constants to the whole thing.
>How can the answer be two
>if it is equal to
>zero? If you assume
>it equals zero there are
>no longer any unknown variables
>as you have already assigned
>constants to the whole thing.

Right - see my edits. Should not be equl to zero but equal to an unknow value so you are solving for the unknown value.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
division is the same as multplication BUT () dictates that all terms go with it first, Hell any rocket scientist can tell ya that. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
So is this a winner winner chicken dinner type deal or what. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

Eel you've really stirred it up this time!


Next time can you post 2 Hot Chicks so we can try & count them,Notice I said 'Try' to count them!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Oh man you guys got way too carried away with this one. I'm just waiting for someone to apply a fourier transform to it and let us know what the 1st order ODE tells us about the frequency analysis which inevitably will lead us all to the right answer assuming initial conditions of x sub zero and y sub zero all equal zero........??????

I agree with bobcat JFP! lol

Lets move on!
48/2(9+3)= 288 still. Will today, or any day of the week.

Those of you with an affinity for the number 2 as an answer should solve this one

48/(2(9+3))=yes this way it equals 2.

Those of you who put 288 pat yourself on the back. Those who came up with 2 please find me a scientific calculator which will enable you to enter eels numbers in the same format and come up with anything but 288.

45, step away from the slide rule. It really doesn't matter. If somehow you were calculating my share of the meal ticket then its 2. If its your share the answer is 288.

Remember, it's just the internet.

As I sat through hours of college algebra, I was always told that one day, it would come in handy. If that day is today, and if the handy is nothing more than proving myself right over the internet, then this seems to by my Budweiser moment of 'Real Men of Genius' that I had been preparing for during those hours in a non-climate controlled classroom. So here it is. This is for you, those who walked boldly to the pencil sharpener, while your buddies were out in the duck blind. Yes you may have been having fun slamming waterfoul with your 3.5" magnums, but today sir(s), I am right.
Well I originally thought the answer was 2. However I posed the question to my son, who knows much more about math than me, and he says the correct answer is 288. His explanation makes since, is consistent with many of the above, but also provides a reason for the inherent ambiguity created by the equation. His explanation is as follows:

48 / 2(9+3) is the same as 48 / 2 x (9+3)

First, you add 9+3, so it's 48 / 2 x 12

Since division and multiplication are on the same level in the order of operations you just go in order (left to right), 48/2, then the result, 24, times 12, making it 288. The ambiguity is just in the way it looks on a page. No one who knows math would ever write it like that for that very reason. They would probably write: (48/2)(9+3)=288 or 48/(2(9+3))=2.
45, It maye surprise you (I'm sure it will some) but I also have spent some hours in college algebra. I just don't give enough of a damn any more. But here's an idea. Turn it into a real life situation.

Say 2 guys had 9 chickens and 3 ducks... you take it from here
>45, It maye surprise you (I'm
>sure it will some) but
>I also have spent some
>hours in college algebra. I
>just don't give enough of
>a damn any more. But
>here's an idea. Turn it
>into a real life situation.
>Say 2 guys had 9 chickens
>and 3 ducks... you take
>it from here

The guy ships the 9 chickens and 3 ducks to different consumers using the same train station. The first train with the ducks leaves going eastbound crossing two time zones to its final destination. The second train, with the chickens, leaves going southwest crossing one time zone to its final destination. What time will it be in the next time zone to the East, if both trains leave the station at the same time, 2100 hours, when the trains are 1247 miles apart. The eastbound train travels at 72 miles per hour. the southwest train 58 miles per hour. Oh, and it is going to be a spring time daylight savings shift during the shipment.

You forgot a few Important details 1911!!!

The train hauling the Ducks had 3 Flat Tires!

Thee Train hauling Chickens run out of Coal 2 different times midway during Transit!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
the answer to the equation is the same as the answer to:
how long does it take my girlfriend to reach orgasm?

....who cares?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 11:45PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 11:37?PM (MST)

It all comes down to Boolean Logic - I'm confused ? math SUCKS and kept me from my inganeering dagree!?!

Also, I'm I've just drunk (dranked???) (I wasn?t a English Major) half a 30 pack of Natty Ice? (easy math)

Let alone the bud and the shrooms? !?!?!?


I think I'm still bitter - Sec. of the Interior James Watt scared me away from my 1st choice of a Degree - In Wild Life Management at the U of Wyoming in Laramie?

Didn't mean to change the subject...

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