Solve the Crime Update


Long Time Member
Long story short about the check theft and name change.....she confessed to stealing my wifes check and changing the name. She gave a BS story of being hard up for money and she needed it to pay the electric bill. She was just talking of the new clothes she was wearing just the other day. Claimed it was the first time but we will be asking a few other clients to go back a few months to really find out just how long this has been going on. Needless to say, my wife booted her ass out of the shop. She'll have to get all of her equipment out by tomorrow evening or it's getting put out on the street. I'm very proud of her because she is a very forgiving person. I guess she's growing some balls! I'll leave you with this....Be careful of who you think you know!!

Your wife probably just removed your balls from her purse and used them.
Just kidding - had a Tom Lykis moment. LOL!!! Your from California, I'm sure your familiar with him.
Seriously, I hope your wife or you press charges against that skank. I wouldn't be surprised if meth was involved, usually is, nowadays.
BTW your wife did a good job.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
We will not pursue criminal charges. I don't know what the woman who wrote the check will do. She feels very upset about it as well. My brother in law is a detective for the SO and he told us if pursued she will probably have to pay a fine. As long as she's gone, we're ok with it.

Good for your wife...she did the right thing....and don't waste your time on the criminal charges.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

The lion's share of commercial loss is internal theft. I've been burned and you never know where it is going to come from. Amazing what some people will do. People you think you know, you may not really know at all.

That's good news Steve. You mentioned your wife was trusting with her "cash and checks." Lord knows how many times she lifted a ten or twenty spot here and there before she felt the need for what got her caught. Good riddance i say!

Don't let the door hit ya
where the good Lord split ya!


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