Solutions not Lip Service


Long Time Member
Since everyone seems to complain about talk, talk, talk, with no solutions here are some of mine.

Border Security: My plan has been posted approved by HH67.

Closing the book on Iraq: My plan has been been posted approved by RELH

NAFTA: Toss it out the window. Impose tarriffs until new plan is drawn which ensures global workers rights and a level playing field.

Corporate Tax Shelters: No deffered taxes on Corps. with sales over 1 billion dollars. Sorry boys no 10-31's, no offshore accounts, the day of wreckoning has up.

Farm Subsidies: Sorry fellas, the federal welfare system is over, I like corn...but not that much.

Oil Crises: Forget new CAFE standards for vehicles (planes, ships, trains, etc.) still utilizing old automotive technology. If Lexus has a hybrid V8 that pulls 400 hp and knocks down 30+mpg, it's time to mandate all U.S. vehicles to do the same by 2011. Fed, State, and City vehicles must switch by 2009, time for GM to sell flex-fuel vehicles here and not just Brazil.
Nationalize the oil industries, and only allow independents
to operate again, bringing back real competetion and fueling small businesses.

Elections: Elections are to be paid by public dollars only! Time for all the professional lunchers to go bye bye. If you are elected to serve the people, you can't retain integrity by selling your election to the highest bidder. Were voting for leadership, not selling crap on E-Bay.

Drug Policy: Grow up America it's time to 86 the A and the T in ATF. Let not pay $38,000 a year for somebody getting caught with a couple of ounces of Marajuana any longer. Let's put the Mexican drug cartels and the 2-bit inner-city weed dealers out of business. Capital punishment for Meth labbers and Coke smugglers works for me. Nothing fancy a good 22/250 shell at a cost of .07 cents will do just fine. Everything else will be handled as a medical issue.

Capital Punishment: I like it! We need to apply it to more than just Murderers. Rape involving a child under 13 years of age by an adult over the age of 21 gets the bullet. Meth batchers, coke smugglers, and felonious illegal immigrants will get the bullet too. If the perp is caught red-handed, execution will be carried out within 1 week of sentencing. All assets of the perps will be liquidated to assist with housing for our elderly.

Rape Laws: Convicted rapists will undergo a sex change operation and then serve their sentences in a prison of their original gender.

Taxation: National Flat Tax of 15%, no tax deferrals on Corps. or individuals with a personal income in excess of $1 Billion. Please note "income" not net worth. Certain expenses like advertising and marketing will no longer have a 100% write-off, sorry Big Pharma, spend your money on R & D and stop worrying about my erection. If your drug works, the doctors will happily prescribe it to me.

Veterans Care: The tax proceeds from large multi-billion corps and billionaire individuals will to directly to Veteran's care. After all, in many cases those veterans were probably protecting the very assests that made these corps and individuals wealthy to begin with.

Immigration: Mexican nationals which are here without proper processing will no longer be referred as illegal immigrants. We shall now refer to them as Economic Refugees. All other foreign nationals here illegally will be referred to as Illegal Aliens.

With the assistance of a newly formed National Guard system we will go through state by state registering economic refugees. If an economic refugees is found with a felonious past they will be deported and face capitol punishment if found in our country again.

Gang Violence: Wake up America, gangs are simply home grown urban terrorists. Spraying houses with bullet fire and running large drug rings financed through crime, self-described gang bangers would be perfect to help rebuild America's highway systems. Break out the leg irons Boss, we have a new crew of hard laborers.

Education: Public school systems will now be K-14, our youth is too unprepared for the real world these days. The last 2 years can be optional 2 years college credit general ed., or vocational, or civil service related. Educate and prepare our youth while cutting skyrocketing college costs in half.

This is getting to be too long. Man, do I ever feel ego-maniacal and self-absorbed. Let me know if you want more solutions cuz I got more babe, believe it.

Why don't you get off your lazy behind and run for President, I will not only vote for you, but will be willing to campain for you.

P.S. You have to promise me that the above posted is just not campain promises that you intend to forget once you get into office!!!!!
FTW, you're a great American!

1/3 cup non-iodized salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
mix ingrediants into two quarts water. Pour over fish fillets and refrigerate over night. Remove fillets and place on racks. Grind fresh black pepper to taste.

Most of those are damn good. I would run your campaign also. You would just have to agree to the mexican issue in a different way.....illegal is just that, get rid of em......mexican or mexicant. They come in legally and can speak OUR language, I'm all for it.
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!
skip the darn water, increase the brown sugar to 1 cup, mix in three cups of dark rum, pour over salmon filets, refrigerate over night. Remove and pat dry, place in smoker and smoke over apple wood at 225 degrees for about 2 1/2 hours. Mighty good!!!

LOL, I was reading Eel's recipe for a good was I confused.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
Eel and RELH those both sound like good brine recipes I will have to try both of those this weekend.

Since you showed me your, I'll show you mine.

2 Cups Apple Juice
1 Cup Soy
1/4 Cup Maple Syrup
1/2 Cup Worstechestshistershier Sauce
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
Couple of Splashes of A-1 and Tobasco
Handful of Black pepper corn
Tablespoon of fine black pepper
3-4 chopped garlic cloves

Refrig. overnite

Pat dry, wrap fillets in a couple of paper towels place back in frig for an hour.

Depending on fillets, thins 5 hours, thicks 8 hours at 175 over cherry wood.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 02:42PM (MST)[p]>Since everyone seems to complain about
>talk, talk, talk, with no
>solutions here are some of
>Border Security: My plan has been
>posted approved by HH67.
>Closing the book on Iraq: My
>plan has been been posted
>approved by RELH
>NAFTA: Toss it out the window.
>Impose tarriffs until new plan
>is drawn which ensures global
>workers rights and a level
>playing field.

Ummm...since NAFTA was ratified by the Senate the President has no authority to change it.

>Corporate Tax Shelters: No deffered taxes
>on Corps. with sales over
>1 billion dollars. Sorry boys
>no 10-31's, no offshore accounts,
>the day of wreckoning has
> up.

The will just move offshore and avoid taxes all together

>Farm Subsidies: Sorry fellas, the federal
>welfare system is over, I
>like corn...but not that much.

Makes sense but again good luck getting any farm state congressman to see it your way in an election year.

>Oil Crises: Forget new CAFE standards
>for vehicles (planes, ships, trains,
>etc.) still utilizing old automotive
>technology. If Lexus has a
>hybrid V8 that pulls 400
>hp and knocks down 30+mpg,
>it's time to mandate all
>U.S. vehicles to do the
>same by 2011. Fed, State,
>and City vehicles must switch
>by 2009, time for GM
>to sell flex-fuel vehicles here
>and not just Brazil.
> Nationalize the oil
>industries, and only allow independents
>to operate again, bringing back real
>competetion and fueling small businesses.

GM sells flex-fuel vehicles in Brazil because Brazil has the infrastructure in place to take advantage of Ethanol. You don't want to subsidize a corn crop but want to produce ethanol then you better figure out an efficient way to get ethanol from other sources. We don't have the vast sugarcane field so Brazil.

I am completely against nationalizing any industry. If you believe that is best then move in with Hugo Chavez.

>Elections: Elections are to be paid
>by public dollars only! Time
>for all the professional lunchers
>to go bye bye. If
>you are elected to serve
>the people, you can't retain
>integrity by selling your election
>to the highest bidder. Were
>voting for leadership, not selling
>crap on E-Bay.

The only thing I would add to that is limit campaigning to one month prrior to elections.

>Drug Policy: Grow up America it's
>time to 86 the A
>and the T in ATF.
>Let not pay $38,000 a
>year for somebody getting caught
>with a couple of ounces
>of Marajuana any longer. Let's
>put the Mexican drug cartels
>and the 2-bit inner-city weed
>dealers out of business. Capital
>punishment for Meth labbers and
>Coke smugglers works for me.
>Nothing fancy a good 22/250
>shell at a cost of
>.07 cents will do just
>fine. Everything else will be
>handled as a medical issue.

Good luck keeping the public on your side when you begin executing "meth labbers". Lots of rich kids and kids of powerful people are involved with meth labs.

>Capital Punishment: I like it! We
>need to apply it to
>more than just Murderers. Rape
>involving a child under 13
>years of age by an
>adult over the age of
>21 gets the bullet. Meth
>batchers, coke smugglers, and felonious
>illegal immigrants will get the
>bullet too. If the perp
>is caught red-handed, execution will
>be carried out within 1
>week of sentencing. All assets
>of the perps will be
>liquidated to assist with housing
>for our elderly.

You sure want to make alot of money for attorneys and bring alot of new members to the ACLU.

>Rape Laws: Convicted rapists will undergo
>a sex change operation and
>then serve their sentences in
>a prison of their original

No comment as I would rather tie them to the floor and start the house on fire.

>Taxation: National Flat Tax of 15%,
>no tax deferrals on Corps.
>or individuals with a personal
>income in excess of $1
>Billion. Please note "income" not
>net worth. Certain expenses like
>advertising and marketing will no
>longer have a 100% write-off,
>sorry Big Pharma, spend your
>money on R & D
>and stop worrying about my
>erection. If your drug works,
>the doctors will happily prescribe
>it to me.

Yeah those darn consumer were duped into buying lifestyle drugs like viagra . I agree with a flat tax.

>Veterans Care: The tax proceeds from
>large multi-billion corps and billionaire
>individuals will to directly to
>Veteran's care. After all, in
>many cases those veterans were
>probably protecting the very assests
>that made these corps and
>individuals wealthy to begin with.

Veterans deserve high quality care but your approach is pretty misguided. Veterans also protect your assets and my assets especially if we invest in the stock market. Look at what stocks people own in their own portfolio. Any against corps. making money and yet still invest in stocks, mutual funds or bonds is cutting off their nose to spite their face.

>Immigration: Mexican nationals which are here
>without proper processing will no
>longer be referred as illegal
>immigrants. We shall now refer
>to them as Economic Refugees.
>All other foreign nationals here
>illegally will be referred to
>as Illegal Aliens.

No problem and amend the Constitution to get rid of anchor babies

> With the assistance
>of a newly formed National
>Guard system we will go
>through state by state registering
>economic refugees. If an economic
>refugees is found with a
>felonious past they will be
>deported and face capitol punishment
>if found in our country

Why not just enforce the law and stop them at the border.

>Gang Violence: Wake up America, gangs
>are simply home grown urban
>terrorists. Spraying houses with bullet
>fire and running large drug
>rings financed through crime, self-described
>gang bangers would be perfect
>to help rebuild America's highway
>systems. Break out the leg
>irons Boss, we have a
>new crew of hard laborers.

worked before

>Education: Public school systems will now
>be K-14, our youth is
>too unprepared for the real
>world these days. The last
>2 years can be optional
>2 years college credit general
>ed., or vocational, or civil
>service related. Educate and prepare
>our youth while cutting skyrocketing
>college costs in half.

If a kid wants to learn they will. The break down in the public school system can usually be traced back to the parents of the kids rather then to the educators. 2 more years in school is not going to change anything if the parents are doing their jobs.

>This is getting to be too
>long. Man, do I ever
>feel ego-maniacal and self-absorbed. Let
>me know if you want
>more solutions cuz I got
>more babe, believe it.

I believe you got more but you may want to check on what you can or cannot actually do by law. Unless you are going to be like ever other politician and over promise and under deliever.

This is why if I run I will need you as my V.P. Nemont to work out all these minor issues. :)

We shall form a new party called the Middle Party. The media will have a field day with descriptor. Well, he's a far right wing Middle party member or far left-wing Middle party member, then there is always the moderate Middle that will be hella confusing.

Our Party Motto: You're either with us or your with us.

We will be sworn in with one hand on the bible and one hand on our hunting licenses. Should we flip-flop we will surrender our licenses for life.
Those recipes sound great. FTW I use one very similar to yours. The fresher the fish, the less ingrediants I like to use. When I say fresh I mean fish that havn't been in fresh water very long, or ocean fish. I'm going to try RELHs' recipe. At least the "Rum" part. LOL!

"Elections: Elections are to be paid by public dollars only! Time for all the professional lunchers to go bye bye. If you are elected to serve the people, you can't retain integrity by selling your election to the highest bidder. Were voting for leadership, not selling crap on E-Bay."

FTW, we do this first! From then on all the elected officials will do whatever we want. We can work out the details later as you suggested!

Nemont I will address these 2 at a time...(typing novels lately)

NAFTA: Remember that little texan Ross Perot who said, "Listen to that loud sucking sound." That's the sound of our wealth leaving overseas." He warned us to tear up NAFTA, he told us then that service and retail could only go so far until all the wealth is gone. We need to avoid an economic implosion.

I still think there a large percentage of corporations that still take pride in America, we just need to get the senate to play ball. Corps. that already cover all employees with medical will no longer be required to carry Workers Comp. If an employee gets injured on the job, medical will cover it, the corp will pay out 2/3 salary until they return. No Ex-Mods, No penalty across the board on payroll, no double coverage.

Farm Subsidies: We need to cut the current income caps, limit payouts to single properties, and create subsidies accounts for low crop yields. It's silly to think a farmer making $1.9 million a year needs subsidies for their multiple farms. I support the Kind/Peterson proposals.

I'm still working out Social Security Eelgrass!

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