
I just mentioned this in another thread but felt it worthy of its own post.

You guys know what I'm talking about. You are in the woods and you had enchiladas last night and you're beginning to feel the repercussions. But oh, you forgot TP. What do you do? This is a nightmare!! There's no easy fix because you know when its gonna be messy. Right? You have to either wipe with branches or leaves or... SOCKRIFICE! Going home with one sock sucks, but so do skid marks or a rash.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-09 AT 09:06PM (MST)[p]Only happened once and I took off all my top layers to get to my t-shirt which was plenty chilly since it was the late november muzzle loader season up here in Minnesota. I had just gotten started on a lengthy walk so I wasnt gonna sockrifice.
Two things I make damn good and sure i have before I head into the woods my tag and my tp. I can live off the land if i have to. But nothing is beter then that good clean feeling betwwen the cheeks
Good Luck and Great Memories
I have cut the sleeves off of many a T-shirt over the years.

There would never be an instance where I would, as you call it, Sockrifice.

I ain't giving up my socks for use as, "film for my Brownie".
Never fails..... it is the time you have on a good pair of socks when you need something to wipe the claude off your dallas.

I would never use a sock, have came out of the woods with out any of the following, Underware, shirt sleeve's, whole shirts(usually an under shirt), the pocket on the front of hoodys or sweaters, one day while shed hunting I lost most of these that was a rough day.:)lol

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
t-shirt sleeves third to go. First to go are the paper towels i habitually stuff in my pockets. Second reserve is the cheap white cotton gloves i usually carry as spares in my d-bag. They really work great, use em for a swipe, turn them over for finish work :)

I suppose if really needed to you could use both sides, turn them inside out and get one more go. Yikes, That's nasty but better than walking around all day with a cruddy

The underwear is the first to go. Only had to do it one time.

Cold damn day it was. After that I learned. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-09 AT 07:17AM (MST)[p]>The underwear is the first to
>go. Only had to do
>it one time.
>Cold damn day it was. After
>that I learned. LOL

WHAT?.........are you like 10 years old?

I've only had to do it one time.......EVERY year of my life, at least!
nickman after that I always carry a roll.

Boy Scout Motto,,,,,,,,,,,Be Prepared. Learned that back when I was 10.
I know you are not supposed to wear cotton, but the shirttail of a cotton flannel shirt works great! It is kind of hard to explain to the wife why you keep coming home with part of your shirt missing, but once she figures it out, it may bug her but she'll get used to it!



Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Bandana hankerchiefs work great, just cut off aboout a three inch strip. That way it should work for about three applications and you can still blow your nose in between instances.

It seems like most of the bandanas in my drawer are about three inches smaller than normal
>Two things I make damn good
>and sure i have before
>I head into the woods
>my tag and my tp.
>I can live off the
>land if i have to.
>But nothing is beter then
>that good clean feeling betwwen
>the cheeks
> Good Luck and Great
I hear you! Now that I'm older I understand the importance of taking care of my assets. I take it one step further by also carrying several moist Baby Wipes in a plastic bag to finish off the job.

Just make sure not to use Poison Ivy leaves! :eek:

I am ashamed to say I did that once when I was a kid. I've had to underwearfice and shirtfice a few times since then but believe me I can spot a Poison Ivy leaf from a mile away now ;-)


This summer my Wife and I were hiking. She spotted a red hankerchief out in the bushes and went to get it. I told her she might want to leave that one alone. Woman don't listen very well sometimes. I got a great laugh out of her expression and exclamation after she had picked it up.

>Never socks!!!
>Anything but my socks!!!

I agree. I use a permanent marker and paint a little happy face on my tube socks. I would never wipe my butt with her, I mean them.
Holy crap, some of you guys are WAY more creative than myself. I guess depending on the circumstances you can't really sockrifice if it's cold or snowy, and you risk blisters which can be dangerous as well. It has always worked out for me though.

I have hiked over ten miles with one sock, problem free. I'm going to remember the sleeves thing forever though. That's awesome! Let's call underwear Plan B.
Use your fingers and then rap 'em as hard as you can over the barrel of your rifle to knock the stuff off.
I habitually always pack a hankerchief...the big get 4 sittings per chief...I always buy a dozen before hunting season. They come in handy for dragging bucks out of the brush too..Down hill slope with Elk too..gotta have snow though...
Only used the socks one time and will never do it again! If I would have used my new kings shirt it would have been a $60 dump.

I have never had blisters so bad in my life! Walking 2 miles back to camp I wish I would of used my shirt! or my fingernails
had to use a snow ball one time. would never use socks.

first thing to go in the pack is baby wipes, tag, then water.

Archery is a year round commitment!!

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