So ya want'a kill a Wolf??


Very Active Member
They really ain't that hard to call in, in fact they're plumb easy.
First thing is get some good quality Coyote howlers, I have the Quaker boy pac howlers, and some other type howler I don't remember what brand it is and the writing is wore off, anyways it don't matter what kind it is just as long as it sounds like a yote.

So now ya got your howlers and ya been practicing a bunch with em, you're out Elk hunting and you come acrossed some fresh Wolf sign, tracks,,scat,or you hear em howling, anything that indicates there's Wolves in the area.
Now You no longer are an Elk hunter, you just became a Wolf hunter.

Take a little time to set up,,Get tucked in somewhere that allows a decent view,and get to callin', we always start out with a couple'a barks then a few strong howls throw in a couple of hurt dog sounds here and there,YIPE YIPE YIPE!,,more howls and barks, carry on like that for about 2-3 minutes then give it a rest for a few minutes then do it all over again,but be ready cuz they come in fast!! most of em we've called in like this are usually in your lap within 5-10 minutes, but they have taken as long as 30 minutes, no matter how far away they are if they hear you they will come.

If you do just as i described above, """every time""" you find fresh Wolf sign, or just do some random calling,, each time you top a ridge or stop to eat, you WILL!! get a Wolf!! no doubt about it.
Can't stress enough though "BE READY" we've had a few come sneaking in but most will be coming on a dead run lookin' to be kickin' some poor ol Yotes ass.

One thing I'm going to try this year is to set up a Montana coyote decoy hoping put their attention on the decoy instead of where the sound is coming from.

Good luck my friends, and don't forget to take lots of pictures to post up here on MM. :)
Great write up and tips . I want a big bad wolf real bad , and I'll try any thing to make it happen so I'll give this a whirl .
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-11 AT 00:31AM (MST)[p]Couple of my buddies while wee were stationed in Alaska pulled out their predator calls when they stopped to glass for bears. They blew the calls a few times and just waited. At about 250 yards they spotted something moving fast through the openings in front of them. First it didn't dawn on them that what they were seeing was wolves until they were about a 100 yards out and then the wolves spotted them and took off in another direction. So my buddy told me to always get a wolf tag if I hunted and be ready cause they are quick to come checkout any calls they hear.
I was in the Yukon hunting moose and my guide told me he was going to try and howl in some wolves. I laughed and told him whatever. I was dead wrong. I ended up getting a big black wolf on two seperate occasions on that trip and they are both proudly displayed in the trophy room. Much bigger than I had imagined. Very long and lanky. Good luck to all before the government finds some way to stop it again.
I assume what Runamuck says would work; they've answered regular coyote calls for me (and come in).

Even if you don't call them, if you're out hunting, have a tag. Last year, we saw them in three completely different areas and 5 different days. Some of them were seen from the road and within a couple hundred yards of a ranch house.

At least thus far, they are not shy about people.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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