So,,who won the NM raffles?



I was hoping and praying for the phone call, but alas, it didn't come..

So, anyone know who got the call of a lifetime?

Heck Adam, I thought the draw was the evening of 6/15..
There's still lead in the air!!!

You Southwestern guys crack me up!
Just keep the sheep-pigs hittin' the dirt...and sending me the photos!
I have not been invited on even 1 sheep hunt this year. Maybe I'm not that fun to be around!!! Oh well, maybe it's the year to act my age and grow a belly!
Good luck to us all,
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-13 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]Zeke
Its getting down to just the raffles for a chance at a tag this year!! Skunked in NV, MT, NM, CO
Chances left are the AZ draw and raffle, NM raffle, aMT super tag raffle and the TX raffle..
Slim chances, but when it's all ya got, ya gotta keep hopin'!

I draw and you got yourself an automatic invite, amigo..

I am going to squelch the Ovis/Capra itch a bit this fall with a Chinati Mtns aoudad hunt in west TX, though. Should help a little bit..

Well Scottyboy, I hope you draw/win something.
I hope the same for me too.
The 2 "sure things" that we had this year were not in the cards. I guess my son will hunt desert sheep next year! (fingers crossed). I should be hunting moose in Wyo... but....
I guess I'll need to keep the belly off anyway. My brother has a LE bull tag here in Ut and it usually ends up being a gut-buster yet very rewarding hunt.
Good luck on the aoudad hunt along with everything else.
I'll be awaiting your invite!
Lucky cat from FL won the Rocky and a lucky dude from AK (I believe) won the desert.


One of these days!!!

I guess I'm still not sheep hunting this year, huh? (since it's all about me. LOL)
Better luck to all of us next year!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-13 AT 06:33PM (MST)[p]4 chances yet, Zekster.
AZ draw & super raffle, MT super tag raffle, and the TX desert sheep raffle.

The AZ draw holds a tad bit of hope for me with the points I have and with the units I applied for.

Hope is still alive in '13. Just barely though!


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