So what is the law with trail camera's in different states?


Long Time Member
So I here different laws for each state. So does anyone know the facts ? Blm , Forest service may be different here in utah ? Whats up ?
Public lands are tricky. Sometimes there are laws re what is considered abandoned. Sometimes are laws so is not legal to cut, trim or nail a tree. Sometimes you are not allowed to leave anything on the lands unattended overnight.

Lots of lawbreakers as a result.

The reality is hunters get a black eye from some of our peers that do not want to understand the laws or follow the laws.

Took us a long time to get conscensus that people that poach are criminals rather than good ole boys feeding there families or making up for the tag soup in the past. Thankfully, we now agree poachers do not deserve to be considered hunters and are criminals with a gun killing animals.

Many of us look the other way when ATVers knock over signs and cut over closed areas. They hassle wildlife in the winter and spring when are at risk. Maybe in another decade of destruction to our lands we will reach consensus these are criminals that deserve zero tolerance plus jail and fines.

Will be even longer before we reach consensus on those criminals that are violating laws re trail cams, tree stands, cutting trees, leaving tents/chairs/signs at waterholes.

The day will come and the reputation of hunters as stewards of the land will be more credible as a result.
Might just call your state on that one. i think in montana you can only have them up over a certain period of time. like over the summer and not during hunting or winter.. its what i heard but i am not sure since i dont live there.
There was some confusion about this last year at this time due to an article posted on the Utah DWR site stating that it was only allowed a week before the hunt. The article was later changed(the mention of the one week restriction was removed), and as far as I know there are currently no specific restrictions on when/where trail cams can be placed.
Depending on who wins the up coming election you might soon see a yearly fee placed on each camera you want to place on any federal land.

It will be a per camera fee. Each permitted camera will have a micro chip super glued to it at the BLM office when you buy your permits. These chips can be scanned by law enfocement to get all the info contained in the micro chip.

Unpermitted cameras in your possession while on any federal land will be confiscated. To go along with a wildlife violation.

A couple of the reasons they will use for this new regulation are
the batteries are being tossed into the water shed, fair chase, animals
being baited at camera sights, destruction of trees and shrubs at camera sights, used by poachers and pot growers, and who knows what else.

Some of the numbers being kicked around are;

$25 per camera, per year.

Half the money to go towards permit processing and hardware, the other half towards "wild life conservation".

This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as some of the hardships hunters might have to look forward to.
Thats the problem there are so many rumors going around. I dont think they have and rules or regs set up in Utah.
I have heard a few other states have made a few rules towards trail cameras. I have never had a problem . But have heard a few here on this web site have.

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