So, my dad whupped me....


Very Active Member
I was at a family reunion last weekend up in Idaho and it was a lot of fun. Saturday night we were all hanging out at a park after dinner and my dad walked by. My dad and I are great friends, he is 53 and just had a full knee replacement last fall. He has been going to the gym every day since then and he has lost 100 pounds or so. He wrestled and played football in college and has always been able to take me down pretty easily. I am 28, six feet tall and weigh 200 lbs, wrestled in HS, and think that I'm not a total wuss. As he walks by I decide to give him a good shove then try to tie him up for a possible takedown attempt. As I lean in I make this mistake of saying "you don't want any of this, old man" to a former BYU wrestler.....I don't know what hurt worse, me hitting the ground, or my shoulder temporarily vacating it's normal position during a perfectly executed outside arm drag. All I know is that some day he is going to get pushed right out of his wheelchair when he is 80......

Anyone else still not able to mess with their dad or am I alone in my wimpiness?


LMAO, that's a funny story Andy!!

Hopefully your still on his Christmas gift list!! Lol

Ha ha! That is great Andy! My dad still has fists that are hard as rocks. I am sure I could out fight him in the long run - if I could make it past the first 15 seconds - and I seriously doubt I could!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The only two things I can beat my dad at are running and hiking. He grew up wrestling in Delta and has always been one tough dude. I always wrestled with him growing up and to this day I am nothing but practice for him.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
It's a little thing called "old man strength". They've got nothing to lose but pride, so they fight like a bat outta hell.

My dad and I were both wrestlers. He's 58, 5'10 and 190; and I'm 26, 5'11 and 205.
We tie up every once in a while, and as long as I don't shoot on his bad knees, he usually gets me with a head n arm, or over n under.

......but one of these days....I'll get him!!

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