So much trouble are you TK


Long Time Member
You wait you dork.
Ok I am working in the basin. I am haveing a plesant lunch at KFC with about 1/2 dozen of my crew! All of a sudden some loud mouth back in the cornner with a half a dozen kids stands up and says Kelly I am going to kick you arse. I say hey lady I don't even know you. She says ya you do. She trys to convince me and my crew all of these kids are mine and that I left her on the side of the road with no money or food for the kids. About then I head for the door she grabs me by the arm and says my name is Jen Jennifer Jenny I forget the last name. Lord have it half the kids are headed to the bathroom. I heard the tolet flush 7 times and the mirror falls on the floor. About then Jenn hollers at me and tells me to go get my kids they are tearing the place apart. I am thinking lady I am going to slug you. She is screaming at the top of her lungs!! Everybody in the place is looking at me like Mr. go get your kids. My crew is rolling on the ground!
She still has a death grip on my arm and whispers in my ear!! Hey I am TrippleK from MM> So if you guys wonder why she has 2 black eyes and a fat lip then you will know why. The thing I haven't been able to figure out is she has been telling us she only has 3 kids. The way I counted one more and she would have had a basket ball team.

Oh you're funny! LOL Don't believe all he says, folks...only part of it is true. I've seen pics of Rut, but he didn't quite know what I looked like. I knew he was working in Vernal so when I spotted him in our local KFC, I wasn't surprised to see him, but I did take the opportunity to give him some crap. I did holler across the restaurant..."HEY MISTER KELLY TAYLOR! ARE YOU JUST ABOUT FINISHED TEARING UP MY STREET! I WANT MY WATER BACK ON!"

He was floored! LOL He had no clue. Good fun!

Did you finally get your kids out of the bathroom and take them home, Rut? They sure weren't mine....... LOL
thats why I don't post my pictures....every girl in Utah wants to come to California... how many kids did you see? I heard she had like 15 and puppy!

LAST EDITED ON May-27-09 AT 06:31AM (MST)[p]Looks like she only had 3 kids with her at the time! The oldest must have been playing ball. That is a great story though! Good one Jenn!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
what state was this!
that child looked like Roy? whats Roy look like?

Rollie Fingers but a little more Goofy from the Jenn poundings hes taken because he ran like a girl!
come on ROY you can take a joke!
(not sure about girlscout cookies cough!cough! jenn!)

>Looks like she only had 3
>kids with her at the
>time! The oldest must have
>been playing ball.
Roy...I had my two little boys (hellians!) and Teddy. We were getting ice cream to keep them occupied while I was getting new tires on the truck. Next time I will go ALONE.

He had NO CLUE who I was. I so could've messed with him more. His crew was cracking up, too.

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