So. Dakota Antelope


Talked with an old friend tonight who lives in the eastern side of SD and he told me that he just got back from the Belle Fouche area hunting Antelope for the first time in 31 years. Said they, there were 8 of them, went over there and he has never seen so many antelope and had no problem shooting.
Told me that they got 16 'Lopes and most were in the 14" range.

I asked him what the limits were there for Residents, he said two each. They spent all day today skinning out and cutting meat up on his ranch.

When I talked to him it was quite noisy there and he told me they were drinking his "home made brew" and it sure sounded like it too.

Told him to send me some pictures, will be snail mail. So hopefully after I get home from hunting he will have sent the pictures. Just surprised to hear that a resident can get 2 'Lopes per person.


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