Snowy Range Moose?



Just curious if anyone on here has been involved with a moose hunt in the Snowy's (Unit 38) and what their thoughts were? I have heard that they can be tough to find during bow season and rifle for that matter.
38 is now considered by many to be the best trophy area in the state. I hunted there in 04. Saw 13 moose in the first three days of the season. They only give out 7 - 10 tags a year. A biologist I spoke with said they estimated 300 plus moose up there then. Got to be over 500 by now. I ended up shooting one just over 50" wide. A 63" bull came out of there in 02. The key is scouting and speaking with people. Either deer or elk will be going on during on most of the moose season. Most folks won't say a thing about where they deer or elk hunt. However, every hunter I spoke with was more than willing to spill the beans on where they were seeing moose. I located my bull because another hunter had seen him hanging around a campground earlier in the day. Scouting is esstential. Shooting a large bull is relatively easy if yer willing to put in the time. Check out the draw odds if you think there's a correlation with demand and quality...
I saw more nice bull moose up there, than I saw bucks.
I deer hunted there about six days this season.
Wish I could of traded my deer tag for a moose tag.
from what i have read its one of the best units in wy, the only hard part is getting a tag. i know NR will need 10-11 bonus points for a chance to draw that tags, and there is no random draw for that unit.
Thank you folks, for the info. If I draw, maybe I'll try to spend most of the month down there. I had heard they were not very visible in the summer and fall before the colder weather comes which might make scouting difficult.
THanks again.

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