snowbird recreation



I will be retiring after this school year and I want to spend some time during January and february in the south west. I was looking for some ideas on where to fish and ride four wheelers as well as live fairly cheaply out of my camper. Any suggestions on must see or playgrounds one should enjoy. I sure am looking forward to your suggestions.

You mayu P.M. me if you wish.
There is no better 4 wheeler riding than at the Imperial Sand Dunes in California. The yearly pass to camp runs around $ 100.00 but you can camp in the Desert across the street from the dunes for free. January temps average around 65 for a high.

The Colorado River is a short 20 miles away for seem decent Fishing. Waterfowl seasons are open as well.
the dove shooting is outatanding about that time i think. The weather is good too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>I will be retiring after this
>school year and I want
>to spend some time during
>January and february in the
>south west. I was
>looking for some ideas on
>where to fish and ride
>four wheelers as well as
>live fairly cheaply out of
>my camper. Any suggestions
>on must see or playgrounds
>one should enjoy. I
>sure am looking forward to
>your suggestions.
> Driftersifter
>You mayu P.M. me if you

After reading the above message, it is apparent you are an English teacher... teasing. "Congrats on your retirement".

Anywhere in the southwest is going to be chilly Jan. & Feb.

Think about the Lake Mead NV area.... good fishing, plenty of 4-wheeler opportunities & you could make a run to Vegas for the buffet.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Worst case scenario, I teach spelling to 5th and 6th graders but I can't type for ....

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