Snipe pod


Very Active Member
Here is a quick question for you guys. I bought a snipe pod last fall and have yet to use it. I like how light it is and a few other features of it. I have always used a bi-pod and am quite comfortable with it. My question is, is there a learning curve to the snipe pod? I am doing my goat hunt over the next few weeks and don't want to make any mistakes or compromise my hunt. If it means packing the extra weight of the bi-pod then I will do that. What are your thoughts?
I've had experience with both. More so with the Snipe Pod, but I just purchased a Harris bipod. I don't know that there is a learning curve, but there is some getting used to. I can't speak for the bipod much as I've used it twice so far, once at the range and once in the field practicing. I have the tall one, so I think I can reasonably compare it to the tall, or sitting, Snipe Pod. Here is what I think so far:

Snipe Pod is definitely lighter

Bipod is more steady for me; a noticable difference and I have more experience with the Snipe Pod

Bipod is quicker to set up; with Snipe Pod, you'll be adjusting the width of the legs often

It's awkward to carry the Snipe Pod on your rifle while having you're rifle on your shoulder. You can do it, but the design of the Snipe Pod doesn't allow it to lay parrallel to the gun.

So far, other than the bulkiness of the bipod, I like it better. I'd rather the gun be bulky and heavy and me able to make a shot than the other way around. The Snipe Pod is basically shooting sticks attached to the rifle where as the bipod felt more solid.

This is just my opinion. The Snipe Pod is great, and definitely better for me that sticks. I actually just sold my Snipe Pod to a member here and will be using the Harris this year. We'll see how it goes.
I would agree with Muleymaddness, that they are awkard to carry on your rifle. The biggest advantage IMO would be the ability to pan at any angle. The are also more versitle when you need the extra height to shoot over brush. There really isn't a learning curve with them,they both have their place, but I give the snipe pod the advantage. Good luck on your hunt!

they suck! (IMO of course) no replacing a Harris bi-pod when a solid rest is needed (with exception of a ready made rest, backpack and such).

if you need to extend beyond kneeling, then shooting sticks are just as stable as a snipe pod. I'll sell mine if someone wants it!

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