Smuggling a Monkey?


Long Time Member
Is that code for something? All I can say is thank god the monkey has been rescued and is safe. :) WTH? Was he going to be dinner? It's a strange world we live in.

SPOKANE, Wash. - A Spokane woman and her mother have been convicted in federal court on charges of sneaking a rhesus monkey into the United States from Thailand. Gypsy Lawson, 29, hid the sedated young rhesus macaque under her blouse, pretending to be pregnant when she successfully passed through U.S. Customs in Los Angeles after a trip to Bangkok, Thailand.

Her mother, Fran Ogren, 55, of Northport, Wash., also went on the trip in November 2007.

The two women were found guilty Monday by a 12-member jury on separate charges of conspiracy and smuggling goods into the United States. Sentencing is set for March 3.

The monkey is now at a primate rescue facility in Oregon.
I doubt it would be dinner but it could be a snack. i was able to attain a picture of the Reeses monkey in question


LIve Monkey Brains are considered in Thailand a Delicacy and only the wealthy can afford them at private gatherings. It is against the law over there too, but they still do it.

kW, that's what I thought of when saw the article. I was not aware though, that they were alive when eaten. Yummy!

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