

Long Time Member
How many of you smoke?
not sure i understand the addiction but i've never smoked.
Friend here at work was diagnosed with esophogus cancer 2 weeks ago. Chemo and surgery pending. Doc told him he MUST give up certain foods and cigarettes if he wants any chance of living. Still smokes 3-4 times a day here at work, says he knows he shouldnt but can't stop himself even in the face of death. i don't get it.
I don't smoke and don't get it either. I'm a non smoker.

Don't know if you buddy smokes inside at work but several do where I work. This will probably not make me any friends but I'll say it anyway. It is inconsiderate as HELL to smoke indoors around other non-smokers. Passing on 2nd hand smoke and potentially affecting others health. If someone wants to poison themselves they should go do it outside.


I am an ex smoker but only as of last July 22nd. I smoked for approximately 27 years and cant tell you how many unsuccessful times I tried to quit and failed. Im not sure if it can be explained to someone who has never smoked how gripping the addiction is and how much it controls our life. It is the hardest thing I have ever done but I have done it and I will never pick up another anything with nicotine in it for the rest of my life!! Yes your buddy should quit but that's easier said then done. It took Chantix for me and a heck of a lot of will power. Here goes my take on the addiction.

When you don't have a smoke for a few hours an un-rested feeling starts to develop. That feeling gets worse not by the hour but by the minute and it grows. You cant ignore it, you cant make it go away and it just keeps getting worse. It becomes an animal and takes over your priorities and becomes the number one important thing?got to have another smoke!! Now once you have that smoke you feel calm and the right priorities are given your total attention. So long as you keep that nicotine going you stay in control but when it isn't available it grips you hard. The closest commercial I had ever seen to compare the feeling to is the little black ghosts in the brain bouncing off the scull like little heathens until they get their fix of nicotine and they become calm. I don't know if I have explained it very well for you to understand but it's a horrible feeling to be controlled that way not to mention expensive.

I could not agree with you more and I was a smoker. I never smoked in my house, car or in a restaurant even if it was allowed but I will say I am guilty of smoking in a bar. A few smokes went with a drink and a drink went with a few smokes. I was always conscious of my wind around non-smokers outside. I made an effort to be down wind at all times or I didn't smoke. Yes it is inconsiderate!! But most smokers don't get it. Now usually us ex-smokers are the biggest gripers. In my case it doesn't bother me ?YET?? I really hope it never does. I know all to well what being a smoker is like and yes I do see both sides of the fence in some cases. But it is just plain rude to smoke in a building around non smokers even if second hand smoke causing health problems didn't apply, that's just common courtesy!!

I chewed for over 20 years and quit 5 months ago. I've quit before but I think I've finally kicked it now. Told myself that I'll start again when I'm It's a terrible addiction. I've gained over 10 pounds since I quit though.

Although it's hard, I'm happy I quit.
esophogus cancer 2

I lost two highschool classmates to this and they both had gone through the surgery. It only prolonged it a little till they both passed away.

If doesn't quit it won't be around that much longer, guess he already knows that and that is too bad.

I quit smoking just over 42 years ago and have not missed it and don't like to be around those who still have to stick another "coffin nail" in their mouth, the smell makes me leave the area.

Sorry for your co-worker and/or friend.

I watched my dad die an agonizing death.
Matastic small cell lung cancer, courtesy of the Marlboro Man.
One bad cowboy.

I'll respect a guy's right to smoke.

Only one thing.

The smokers that flick the butts out the window on a 100 degree day with the four foot high dry oat grass waving in the wind.

I see it all the time, guys that would rather burn down homes and risk lives just so they don't get their ashtray dirty.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-09 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]thanks for the comments fellas, just not sure given a choice between having maybe a fair shot at living (quit smoking) or sure death you'd opt to keep smoking no matter how strong the urge to take another puff. guess it really screws with your reasoning and logic process.
Whats your secret,Been chewing for 41yrs. yea I'm getting to be an old guy, I've quit a few times longest was a year kick myself in the arse for starting again its a dirty rotten habit, and cost alot too I figured I spend about 6k a year on the crap, I'd say that would be a good hunt somewhere, I think the trick is called will power...........
6K A year!!!!! Thats $500 per month. $125 a week. Thats over $17 a least 2-3 cans a day???? Holy Crap.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

I was going to answer with my usual smartassed attitude but this is one I have a strong opinion about. My answer is no I don't smoke or chew. I do understand how people can become addicted. I could have easily done so back in my experimental years.

I know he is making his own choice by continuing to smoke but I feel for your friend with esophogeal cancer. I lost a cousin to it five years ago. He and his family suffered a great deal.

I hope your friend can get this under control because if it goes the way it did for my cousin, he is in for an awful future. That sounds pretty negative but all you chewers can rest assured it is awful. Imagine not being able to talk, drink, eat, or even swallow your own saliva while your throat closes up and you can't even get a good breathe. Doesn't sound like the way I want to go.
Yea I did the math , pretty damn stupid isnt it maybe if see it from someone else I might do some thing about it since I dont have a nagging woman bitchin at me about it...
I chewed Copenhagen for 25 or so years. I quit a little less than five years ago. I still have that last partially full can in my office desk. It had a date of April 19, 2004 on it. I keep it there as a reminder. I quit after a routine dental checkup turned into surgery to remove a tumor in my upper lip. Fortunately it was benign.

No real secret. My mouth was getting where it would hurt and peel. My stomach was also causing me problems. Got checked out and everything is fine but it scared me. All those problems went away since I quit. I feel much better.
I smoke. I work in "health care"and i'm pissed...(thanks feleno, for starting my day off with this)-=---i'm gonna need a smoke after this reply. I am absolutely sick of the world of non-smokers trumping the rights of smokers....If you dont like the fact that i smoke, do what kilo, does...leave! No you pass laws and raise taxes....they dont want us to quit smoking... where would they make up all that money for their budgets? If they wanted everyone in the US to quit smoking, they'd just come out and pass a law making smoking a cigarette illegal! grandfather us smokers in(we'll all die off) and then a country of non smokers!

Whats more of a health issue in the US is Obesity! FLIPPING (not the original word i used) start taxing Ben and Jerry's ice cream,Fast food, and other Luxury food items you fat azzes eat that turned you into fat azzes!--- I just had a genius idea....instead of raising the cigarette tax 2 dollars, raise it one, and for every meal that leaves McDonalds(anyfast food place) add a dollar in the form of health care tax--- Thats fair! FAT PEOPLE are more of a strain on health care than smokers...smokers die! FAT people...continue to be fat--- hip replacement, after knee replacement ,after back surgery...just feed the fat azz!

Now I made a decision when i was younger....a legal decision,I take the risks, i pay higher life insurance premiums, higher health care premiums, and now I get blackballed from bars, and parks and some golf know what, i'm not bitter....Just tired of jackasses that DO NOT understand addiction, making the rules. I dont mind paying a little more for my habit, if the fat as-ses of the world pay for their habits!

I wont be replying to responses,this was me just venting.... if your fat...i'm ought to do something about it. But i wont not hang around you if you are!


"i hate starting the day like off for a smoke!"
I think GotBowAZ nailed it. Anyone with any kind of addiction goes through the feelings that BGAZ said. It gets worse and worse until you have your fix and after you have the fix, calmness sets in and you can function as normal. Quitting is a mind game that one must control and over come. It's that simple in my opinion.

My porn!!'s a joke...don't go starting any rumors!!


I sure hope we are still friends?

Like I said, if someone fires up a cig or cigar, I just walk about 4-5 feet and wait till they are finished.

The smoke really bothers me, maybe that is why I look for a smoke free Casino section...LOL Or ask for a non smoking section at a restaurant IF available.

Everyone has the right to choose there habits even if bad for health. I WILL NOT STOP GOING TO STAR'S RESTAURANT IN ELKO EITHER.......ALL THAT FOOD IS NOT GOOD FOR THE BODY...lmao

Tag, some good points, some of these fat chicks wouldn't be so damn fat if they smoked a couple packs a day. Also it was easier to pick out the slutty chicks that way, cause everyone knows if they smoke they poke. Damn conspiracy to keep us from gettin laid.
It could be argued that MM has became an addiction too, which I'm trying to cut back, down to 1 pack a day.
I quit smoking 22 years ago after 20 plus years of serious puffing.

I believe the addiction is impossible to explain to a non smoker. It just won't leave you alone. I also believe every REAL smoker knows those things are killers deep down inside, but quitting does not seem like an option.

I quit cold turkey and carried the cigs and a lighter around in my pocket for 2 weeks before deciding I could live without them. Its hard to abandon your "friends".

I won't even go in to the physical suffering later as my body cleared the addiction from my system.

Funny thing is that now I have no desire, and I could care less if people smoke around me. I just don't care. I do smell the odor now when I didn't before but at least I did not become one of the ex-smokers who is offended when somebody lights up.
Your right Steve its just a mind game,most addictions are,Here are few of mine.

1. Beer


3. Fat Woman (or anysize)
This thread made me so nervous I had to step outside & have a smoke.

I HATE cigarettes but the thought of being with out them is.... well you just have to be there.

I'm with Tag ... I don't want to invade your space or expect you to understand.... but some of your annoying fat ass habits irritate the hell outta me as well.

Take Care!

I do like a good smoke every now and again. If I've got a cigar you know I've been drinking, sometimes way to much. Those times it's good to have a Woman to keep you standing upright.

Blah, Blah, Blah!

Smoke 'em all up if you have them! Good for the economy, and funeral homes. Remember to just smoke downwind, I don't want to smell you stink! This site kills me! LOL

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"
Not every man smokes, but everyone I've ever met has some kind of vice that is harmful to himself or harmful to those around him. People who live "perfect" lives drive other people to an early grave. I've seen it time and time again.







THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
My response here was in no way intended to be judgemental of those of you who smoke or chew. As I tried to say, I could have easily started that habit years ago but for some reason, probably dumb luck, I did not. I was only stating my experience as a family member of someone who died and early, unfortunate, death as a result of chewing, and more specifically swallowing, copenhagen for years.
I didn't want to sound judgemental either. I just don't think one persons bad decision should affect me.

I'm similar to BeanMan
I used to use copnehagen, a can a day for several years. At age 22 I went to have all four wisdom teeth cut out. When they did Xrays to see how my teeth looked they saw a cyst right where I held my dip. So they cut out all four teeth and the cyst. It was not cancer but I threw away a half empty can and never looked back.


If Bama smokes, then we should collect all the Cigarettes, Cigars and Cans of Copenhagen and ship them to the White House as a Gift for the next 4 years.


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