
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-16 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]Don't Know where they all came From?

But JFP!!!


And the SmokePoles!

They Ain't Nothin but 300+ Yard Rifles Now!

I'm Still Runnin a JUNK 1X Scope!

Un-Like Anybody else on the Mountain!

Seen & Heard alot of BS this Year!

Seen alot of JUNK Genetics this year!

Several Other Hunters Claiming they've Hunted the Area for 14-15 Years!

I Hadn't ever seen them & I've Hunted it since 1977!

Guess it makes them Feel Macho!


What'd You Guys & Gals Experience this Muzz Season?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Here's what I saw/experienced on Monroe...
***About 150 deer, but only 7 bucks-largest was 18" 3x3.
***ATVs, ATVs and more ATVs.
***My .50 cal Hawken w/open sites is still my weapon of choice.
***Elk, elk and more elk-very distracting but neat to see/hear.
***No other hunter further than 10' from nearest road/truck/ATV.
***Great camp w/my sweetheart.
***Cougar walking though camp-oh my!
>Here's what I saw/experienced on Monroe...
>***About 150 deer, but only 7
>bucks-largest was 18" 3x3.
>***ATVs, ATVs and more ATVs.
>***My .50 cal Hawken w/open sites
>is still my weapon of
>***Elk, elk and more elk-very distracting
>but neat to see/hear.
>***No other hunter further than 10'
>from nearest road/truck/ATV.
>***Great camp w/my sweetheart.
>***Cougar walking though camp-oh my!

It sounds like you were in my front pocket all week. Everything you said was my week to a tee except I use an inline with iron sights and the cat I saw ran across the trail in front of me. And, I had to stop to scrape my shorts when he hissed as he jetted past at 30 yards.
I Didn't Mention the Constant 'BUZZ' of ATV's,UTV's,SIDE X SIDE'S We could Hear Below in the Canyons/Mountains!

I Figured I'd let a few other Guy's Post that first so I didn't get the QUAD QUEERS Fired up!:D

Some JACK-ASS with some kind of Automatic Capping Rounds off every so often!

I Guess He's Quicker at Reloading than Me & My Smokepole!

He Can Cap 3 Rounds off within 5 Seconds!

Another JOKER SpotLighting the Main Canyon!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I seen muzzy guys out in full force. People everywhere but not alot of harvested animals. I think the cold weather scared some of the light footed hunters. as every morning while I was making my way up the hill to do some rifle scouting I seen camps with hunters sleeping in. Panzies
One of the worst and crowded muzz hunts I've seen. I normally turn up quite a few nice bucks but couldn't find anything good this year.
Lousy time!
I saw fewer hunters and more bucks than I've seen in years on the muzzy hunt. Had a blast and my daughter got her first buck.
Variable Power Scopes seem to make a big difference...

Heard of a few taken at over 400 yards...

If it had Horns it was being shot at, distance wasn't an issue...

A herd that was starting to improve out here on the South Slope took a big hit...

Lot of bucks hitting the dirt...
Here in Nevada during my archery hunt it took me 4.5 hours to hike to my hunting spot. I saw no hunters just a pair of hikers. It was kinda lonely.
In Colorado during my muzzleloader hunt it took 3 hours to hike to my hunting spot. Had a lot of rain and snow. Saw no other hunters. Just a hiker with her dog.
Muzzleloaders have definitely gotten out of hand. I think that when muzzleloader seasons were invented they were intended to be for a gun that basically shot out to 100 yards and the hunts were meant to be for a primitive weapon. Now people are shooting at deer with bows at a 100 yards. Fatrooster
If you think the smoke pole was a slaughter. The pumpkin patch hunt is going to be an absolute blood bath. Still a lot of good bucks running the hills. And this year seams to be a very good year for 2-3 year old bucks.

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