
SMELLYBUCK you and I both need to get put on the WB.

Here is my agenda, it sure sounds like we're on the same page:

Over the counter deer, elk, moose, goat and sheep tags, either sex.

State wide hunts, all hunts start August 15 and end November 30th.

No more wasting our money for coyote bounties or livestock predator control, farmers will pay for there own predator management, not hunters.

Open season on bear and cougars, there just like a coyote, kill them when ever you see one.

No age limit on hunters ages, if they pass the Hunter Education Course they get a tag, regardless of age.

No limit on non-resident hunting licenses, they leave money in the State. Lower the price of out of State tags so more non-resident hunters will come and spend money in our stores, cafes, and gas stations.

Stop wasting our fricken money on these stupid so called studies, the professional already know none of this crap makes a bit of difference. It's all done just to keep a hand full of loud mouths off the news. If we get rid of all these crazy politically lobbied, so called, research projects we can drop the price of hunting licenses.

No more landowner tags or CWMU tags, no more of our money to fence private property fields or haystacks. If farmers don't like wildlife on their land they can spend there own money to protect it. If bugs get in there hay, they pay to spray it, its the same thing with deer or elk.

No more wasting our money to on turkey, pleasant, chucker, antelope, sheep, moose or goat transplants, they never survive and everybody fricken knows it. Save the money, reduce the price of our hunting tags.

State water, the stream and river beds belong to the public and if we want to walk up a 2 foot wide stream through some -bodies backyard, it's ours to fish, nobody owns the water way, we will fish it as often and with as many fishermen as we want. As long as we don't step on private property it's nobodies business..

I'm not sure about these fish hatcheries, SMELLYBUCK. What do you think, there damn expensive and the labor cost is continually going up. If we aren't going to grow pheasants or chuckers for people to shoot, maybe we need to look into the cost savings of closing these, so called, put and take fish hatcheries. People could still fish, it's a great family outing and it's not about how many fish you catch anyway, it's the experience of getting all the kids and the grandparents and the boat and in camping, and cooking on a Camp Chef and having a great time in the outdoors.

SMELLYBUCK, we will turn things around, by GAWD we will. I've put my application in too. Well be a team! The wind is blowing in our favor you know, with the new WB members, the pressure thats been put on the Governor and our Legislators, I think we got a good chance at getting appointed, it about time us average joe's put this mess back on its feet. See you at the Board meeting! We'll be public heros you know!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-13 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]Are you for increasing opportunities for general deer hunters or decreasing opportunities for general deer hunters?
>Joe are you a SFW employee??

If he isn't, he ought to be because he is sure full of it (SFW)every time he makes a post!!!
>AT 01:00?PM (MST)

>Are you for increasing opportunities for
>general deer hunters or decreasing
>opportunities for general deer hunters?

***Geez, don't ask him those kind of difficult questions, LOL!!!
I'm Joe Average Hunter. I'm everybody, I'm nobody. I belong to nothing, I belong to everything.

I repeat what I hear hunters say.

I repeat what you have said,

I what average hunters say.


"Who the hell is an average hunter"?

Is it PleaseDear, SwautGun, Smellybuck, Muley73, pymulies, birdman, tailsbuck1, Zeke, stillhunterman, 8mmmag, dryflyelk,hussblur, or BigFin, BussH, AZStickman, or any one of 500,000 hunters that have never heard of Monster Muley or any of you.

You all think your the AVERGE hunter or you represent the AVERGE hunter, how much more fricken arrogant, naive, and infantile can you possibly get, to even have the thought, let alone argue publicly, that you think for one second you know or represent what some else thinks or wants.

Some of you are nearly old enough to die from natural old age, it's time to grow the hell up.

Carry on.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-13 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]>SMELLYBUCK you and I both need
>to get put on the
>Here is my agenda, it sure
>sounds like we're on the
>same page:
>Over the counter deer, elk, moose,
>goat and sheep tags, either
>State wide hunts, all hunts start
>August 15 and end November
>No more wasting our money for
>coyote bounties or livestock predator
>control, farmers will pay for
>there own predator management, not
>Open season on bear and cougars,
>there just like a coyote,
>kill them when ever you
>see one.
>No age limit on hunters ages,
>if they pass the Hunter
>Education Course they get a
>tag, regardless of age.
>No limit on non-resident hunting licenses,
>they leave money in the
>State. Lower the price
>of out of State tags
>so more non-resident hunters will
>come and spend money in
>our stores, cafes, and gas
>Stop wasting our fricken money on
>these stupid so called studies,
>the professional already know none
>of this crap makes a
>bit of difference. It's
>all done just to keep
>a hand full of loud
>mouths off the news.
>If we get rid of
>all these crazy politically lobbied,
>so called, research projects
>we can drop the price
>of hunting licenses.
>No more landowner tags or CWMU
>tags, no more of our
>money to fence private property
>fields or haystacks. If
>farmers don't like wildlife on
>their land they can spend
>there own money to protect
>it. If bugs get
>in there hay, they pay
>to spray it, its the
>same thing with deer or
>No more wasting our money to
>on turkey, pleasant, chucker, antelope,
>sheep, moose or goat transplants,
>they never survive and everybody
>fricken knows it. Save
>the money, reduce the price
>of our hunting tags.
>State water, the stream and river
>beds belong to the public
>and if we want to
>walk up a 2 foot
>wide stream through some -bodies
>backyard, it's ours to fish,
>nobody owns the water way,
>we will fish it as
>often and with as many
>fishermen as we want.
>As long as we don't
>step on private property it's
>nobodies business..
>I'm not sure about these fish
>hatcheries, SMELLYBUCK. What do
>you think, there damn expensive
>and the labor cost is
>continually going up. If
>we aren't going to grow
>pheasants or chuckers for people
>to shoot, maybe we need
>to look into the cost
>savings of closing these, so
>called, put and take fish
>hatcheries. People could still
>fish, it's a great family
>outing and it's not about
>how many fish you catch
>anyway, it's the experience of
>getting all the kids and
>the grandparents and the boat
>and in camping, and cooking
>on a Camp Chef and
>having a great time in
>the outdoors.
> SMELLYBUCK, we will turn things
>around, by GAWD we will.
> I've put my application
>in too. Well be
>a team! The wind
>is blowing in our favor
>you know, with the new
>WB members, the pressure thats
>been put on the Governor
>and our Legislators, I think
>we got a good chance
>at getting appointed, it about
>time us average joe's put
>this mess back on its
>feet. See you at
>the Board meeting! We'll
>be public heros you know!

Or you could both vote for;

All OIL public draw tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, goat, and sheep Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young only.

Unlimited Conservation, CWMU, Landowner, and Convention tags with no strings attached.

5 day hunts during the rut.

$1000 coyote, bear, bobcat, and cougar bounties paid for by taxpayers.

An upper age limit of 65 so we can move more people/road hunters out of the maximum point pool.

Require non-residents (and residents?) to hire resident guides for EVERY hunt.

Increase transplants (paid for by taxpayers) of ALL game in order to upgrade the "quality" of the trophies.

Sell all public waters, both standing and moving, to private entities so they can charge access and fishing fees as well as launching fees.

Sell all hatcheries to private entities so they can make a decent living selling live fish to the other private entities who own the waters.

And, of course, increase all permit fees to the point that only "hard core" (DP's words) hunters can afford them.

Only then will you two be real heroes!
So...elkfromabove, you want in to, have you submited your app? Welcome to the Board.

<Or you could both vote for;>

<All OIL public draw tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, goat, and sheep Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young only.>

Nope, wrong "non-average hunter" elkfromabove" I'll never support any draws, the minute there's a draw, there's "limits". Average hunters can't tolerate any limits because non-averagers, like TOPPLOP, wants to decide what the limits are, can't tolerate PLUGGUN making an decisions for Joe Average, me an SMELLYBUCK won't go for that by Gawd. NO DRAWS, NO LIMITS.

<Unlimited Conservation, CWMU, Landowner, and Convention tags with no strings attached.>

Wrong again, my young friend, We won't need the cash because the coffers will be over flowing with green. No more strings, no more problems, everybody happy, (average hunters I mean, screw the farmers, the wildlife belongs to us anyway, we paid for it, didn't we) we'll get the whole mid-west, the south, the west coast and even those anti-no'easters might even come out for a shot at an old tom. We'll use a little of that green from all those tag sales to do a good Facebook/Tweet ad campaign. Sh!t we'll have'm coming from Europe and Asia. You watch. You'll love, I promise.

<5 day hunts during the rut.>

You got that one right elkfromabove, I don't know if it was me or SMELLYBUCK that inspired you but your damn right we're hunt the rut, I said the end of November didn't I? Stay with us, your starting to see the big picture, maybe I misjudged you, you might have the potential to become an average hunter.

<$1000 coyote, bear, bobcat, and cougar bounties paid for by taxpayers.>

Gezz efa, you might be too fickle to get this done. What is it about NO BOUNTIES what you don't understand. Average hunters can easy take care of these critters, no problem, just get the hell out of the way.

<An upper age limit of 65 so we can move more people/road hunters out of the maximum point pool.>

Nope, don't think so, over the counter means anybody that wants a license can buy one. More age limits, no point pools, nodda.................You got twenty bucks and a hunter safety certificate and your hunting baby! That my friend, will put more hunters back in the field than all this smoke and mirrors stuff will ever do. (Are you just messing with me are do you just not get it?)

<Require non-residents (and residents?) to hire resident guides for EVERY hunt.>

I forgot about guides. I guess you will have to let the US Forest Service and the BLM guys take care off that because they are the gate keeps on the public land and me and SMELLYBUCK are not running for the FEDERAL LANDS BOARD. That might be something CORKGUN would be interested in, he thinks he's non-average enough to want to control what goes on in every State with public land, rather that his own privately owned backyard. What about it TOPBUTT, you going to apply for the FED. WILDLIFE BOARD? (just like your $fw pit bosses)

<Increase transplants (paid for by taxpayers) of ALL game in order to upgrade the "quality" of the trophies.>

There you go again, efa, twisting my words---------THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER TRANSPLANT and...........maybe, just maybe no transplanted anymore fish either. It's a new concept, me and SMELLYBUCK will need to hear from a few average joes before we decide how we'll vote on that one.

<Sell all public waters, both standing and moving, to private entities so they can charge access and fishing fees as well as launching fees.>

Mmmmmmm.........that sounds like one that RUSTYGUN would want to get behind, he knows all about hunting private land. How'bout it BLINKYGUN, as an non-average hunter, what do think, public or private? We'll get back to you on that one, seems like a bad idea to me so SCREWGUN will most likely go for it.

<Sell all hatcheries to private entities so they can make a decent living selling live fish to the other private entities who own the waters.>

Might work, if SMELLYBUCK can convince me that it would reduce the cost of fishing to the average joe.

<And, of course, increase all permit fees to the point that only "hard core" (DP's words) hunters can afford them.>

Well, there you go again efa, accusing me of the opposite of what I said. I'm really concerned that you'll never quality to become an average. I want the fees to go down, it's all this "hard core" calfsh!t that keeps the WB needing to raise money, wake up or your just not going to qualify to be an average joe.

Gezz, efa, average hunters just want to hunt and fish dud, we don't need all these distractions. We want to go down to the hardware store and buy a license and go hunting...................period, end of story, end of problems..........we don't need anybody to decide who goes and who stays home, not you not $fw, not MDF, not RMEF, not WATERGUN, nobody.....................what in the hell don't you non-average joes get about it? Get your personal fricken agendas the hell out of our faces.

<Only then will you two be real heroes!>

If Teddy (the original hero) was your judge, would you be found worthy?
>So...elkfromabove, you want in to, have
>you submited your app?
>Welcome to the Board.
><Or you could both vote for;>
><All OIL public draw tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, goat, and sheep Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young only.>
>Nope, wrong "non-average hunter" elkfromabove" I'll
>never support any draws, the
>minute there's a draw, there's
>"limits". Average hunters can't
>tolerate any limits because non-averagers,
>like TOPPLOP, wants to decide
>what the limits are, can't
>tolerate PLUGGUN making an decisions
>for Joe Average, me an
>SMELLYBUCK won't go for that
>by Gawd. NO DRAWS,
><Unlimited Conservation, CWMU, Landowner, and Convention tags with no strings attached.>
>Wrong again, my young friend, We
>won't need the cash because
>the coffers will be over
>flowing with green. No
>more strings, no more problems,
>everybody happy, (average hunters I
>mean, screw the farmers, the
>wildlife belongs to us anyway,
>we paid for it, didn't
>we) we'll get the whole
>mid-west, the south, the west
>coast and even those anti-no'easters
>might even come out for
>a shot at an old
>tom. We'll use a
>little of that green from
>all those tag sales to
>do a good Facebook/Tweet ad
>campaign. Sh!t we'll
>have'm coming from Europe and
>Asia. You watch.
>You'll love, I promise.
><5 day hunts during the rut.>
>You got that one right elkfromabove,
>I don't know if it
>was me or SMELLYBUCK that
>inspired you but your damn
>right we're hunt the rut,
>I said the end of
>November didn't I? Stay
>with us, your starting to
>see the big picture, maybe
>I misjudged you, you might
>have the potential to become
>an average hunter.
><$1000 coyote, bear, bobcat, and cougar bounties paid for by taxpayers.>
>Gezz efa, you might be too
>fickle to get this done.
> What is it about
>NO BOUNTIES what you don't
>understand. Average hunters can
>easy take care of these
>critters, no problem, just get
>the hell out of the
><An upper age limit of 65 so we can move more people/road hunters out of the maximum point pool.>
>Nope, don't think so, over the
>counter means anybody that wants
>a license can buy one.
> More age limits, no
>point pools, nodda.................You got twenty
>bucks and a hunter safety
>certificate and your hunting baby!
> That my friend, will
>put more hunters back in
>the field than all this
>smoke and mirrors stuff will
>ever do. (Are you
>just messing with me are
>do you just not get
><Require non-residents (and residents?) to hire resident guides for EVERY hunt.>
>I forgot about guides. I
>guess you will have to
>let the US Forest Service
>and the BLM guys take
>care off that because they
>are the gate keeps on
>the public land and me
>and SMELLYBUCK are not running
> That might be something
>CORKGUN would be interested in,
>he thinks he's non-average enough
>to want to control what
>goes on in every State
>with public land, rather that
>his own privately owned backyard.
> What about it TOPBUTT,
>you going to apply for
>(just like your $fw pit
><Increase transplants (paid for by taxpayers) of ALL game in order to upgrade the "quality" of the trophies.>
>There you go again, efa, twisting
>my words---------THERE WILL NEVER BE
>ANOTHER TRANSPLANT and...........maybe, just maybe
>no transplanted anymore fish either.
> It's a new concept,
>me and SMELLYBUCK will need
>to hear from a few
>average joes before we decide
>how we'll vote on that
><Sell all public waters, both standing and moving, to private entities so they can charge access and fishing fees as well as launching fees.>
>Mmmmmmm.........that sounds like one that RUSTYGUN
>would want to get behind,
>he knows all about hunting
>private land. How'bout it
>BLINKYGUN, as an non-average hunter,
>what do think, public or
>private? We'll get back
>to you on that one,
>seems like a bad idea
>to me so SCREWGUN will
>most likely go for it.
><Sell all hatcheries to private entities so they can make a decent living selling live fish to the other private entities who own the waters.>
>Might work, if SMELLYBUCK can convince
>me that it would reduce
>the cost of fishing to
>the average joe.
><And, of course, increase all permit fees to the point that only "hard core" (DP's words) hunters can afford them.>
>Well, there you go again efa,
>accusing me of the opposite
>of what I said.
>I'm really concerned that you'll
>never quality to become an
>average. I want the
>fees to go down, it's
>all this "hard core" calfsh!t
>that keeps the WB needing
>to raise money, wake up
>or your just not going
>to qualify to be an
>average joe.
>Gezz, efa, average hunters just want
>to hunt and fish dud,
>we don't need all these
>distractions. We want to
>go down to the hardware
>store and buy a license
>and go hunting...................period, end of
>story, end of problems..........we don't
>need anybody to decide who
>goes and who stays home,
>not you not $fw,
>not MDF, not RMEF, not
>WATERGUN, nobody.....................what in the hell
>don't you non-average joes get
>about it? Get your
>personal fricken agendas the hell
>out of our faces.
><Only then will you two be real heroes!>
>If Teddy (the original hero) was
>your judge, would you be
>found worthy?

It's no wonder that you didn't include me in your list of AVRG (or however you misspelled it) joehunters. I don't qualify! (I was heartbroken. Well not exactly heartbroken, just out of rhythm.) And apparently I'm not averagejoehunter by either your standards or mine. So does that make me an "elite", "better than average", "die-hard", "I'll pay and/or do whatever it takes", "trophy or nothing", "get off my mountain" type of hunter? Or am I an "uneducated", "shoot anything that moves", "hunt for supper from the truck while drinking a beer" type of hunter? I know I can't be somewhere in between because that would be average.

And, no, I don't want in! I don't like your satirical proposals and I sure as he** don't like mine.

I've enjoyed our little tit for tat, but I think I've said enough. It's too muddy to know when you're serious under all that satire. Judge on!
You giving up when your so close efa?

Think "muddy".

The Average Joe hunters are muddy anf you think you have a clear understanding of them. Wrong!

You, $fw, MDF, DEMENTIAGUN, every other egocentic think you know that the "joe averge hunter" thinks and wants. The bottom line is, it's what YOU want and you try to pass yourself of as the average or majority (which you mean by average) when you have no idea who joeaveragehunter is, what he thinks or what he wants.

But if it makes you happy to tit for tat or not, who gives a damn but you.
"Is it PleaseDear, SwautGun, Smellybuck, Muley73, pymulies, birdman, tailsbuck1, Zeke, stillhunterman, 8mmmag, dryflyelk,hussblur, or BigFin, BussH, AZStickman"

Not a bad group of men at all right there!

I thought I died yesterday morning of natural causes but it turned out to just be a double flush event....

>Joeaveragehunter sure does sound a lot
>like Elkassbploppinbobscat stirring the pot.....
>:) Terry

***Yep, he's in the category of an "average DB", but he's moving up to the top of the class quickly!!!
I made the team!!! YEAH!!!!

Whether you like it or not you can boil average hunters down to about 3 things, after that we cover the board on issues but I believe these three are common with all of us.

1 We can see the direction hunting is going and don't like it.(Notice I didn't say the direction any one species or any one hunt, but all big game hunting in general).

2 We understand that if we keep cutting out more and more hunters, either by tag cuts, more CWMU, more LE, less and less access, etc., we hunters become a smaller and smaller body with less and less political power.

3 We are normal every day working stiffs. Hunting is our hobby, passion, passtime, tradition, but its not our revenue source. We are becoming more and more disillutioned by the commercialization of what we feel to be our birthright by special interest groups.(Notice I didn't single out groups, outiftters, clubs. I included them all together).

After that I think we believe a bunch of crap, and can argue about that openly. HOWEVER, year after year its seems that #3 becomes the biggest issue involving hunters. It doesn't make guides/outfitters, our clubs evil, they are capitalists. Like all other buisnesses they want to maximize profit while minimzing costs(labor, fees, taxes, or any other output). This is increasingly putting us scrubs with jobs at odds with guys who need to perform for their clients. Their job is no different than yours, bigger, faster, more efficient, pays, and us hobby hunters are in the way of that. Again they aren't evil, they aren't bad people, BUT THEY look at hunting like agriculture, we don't.

Again I am sooooooooooooo excited to be in the group, I am hoping to maybe be treasurer or perhaps jr. vice president?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Morning from the islands TOPPONDSKUM. Great to see that you survived another sunrise. Pretty special at your age! Sorry I won't have time to play today, the Capt. waiting on me, but don't sweat it, I'll be back to DB your miserable azz soon enough. Count on it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-13 AT 11:10AM (MST)[p]Great post Hossblur and I think from reading the last post put up by averageDB that I'm probably the frontrunner for Pres., LOL! TOPPONDSKUM, over and out!!!
I am loving this thread. My prophecies are coming true. All the childish screaming that yall did has stopped nothing. In fact it has spead the rate at which the end comes. Joeaveragehunter is feeling it now and he is touching the leaves of the tree knowing he must get to the roots. You will all know it soon, and the mule deer will suffer.
The two of you should team up and go on a road trip together. I know the perfect place the two of you can go to start it, but it's awful hot down there!!!
if you want your app considered maybe learn the difference between there / their / they're yes three different words, all of which you use "there" for. avg hunter maybe, but you would be below avg in a 3rd grade english class. please dont try to act like such a smart guy when you arent even fluent in your native language
Thanks for the advice they're wa, there after me cuz I get in they're face. Their ya go, my friend, sometimes someones got to scratch the chalkboard, didn't mean to send chills up your arm. At least you didn't tell me to shut there do'en. So gentle of you.

You know nothing of punctuation, and your post is filled with run-on sentences. You're not an english teacher. Quit throwing stones in glass houses.

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