
Long Time Member
My family and I were driving through bridgeland last night on the way home from the city. There was a truck with flashers on, another car pulled off the side of the road with another parked next to it with flashers on. We slowed down to about 20mph as we got closer there was a doe with her back legs broken crawling across the highway on the yellow line. We pulled off into the bar ditch and turned on the hazards. A semi comes flying through all the cars and hits the deer crawling through the lane and never touched his brakes (20 ft from my truck) and grabbed gears to get out of there. My wife beat me to the deer (I have a broken leg) and drug the pieces out of the road. By this time there's 2 more cars with flashers on. Another truck is coming, I know he can see me in the headlights I'm waving my hands down trying to get him to slow down because my wife was still picking up pieces of the deer. The A-hole speeds up and passes us all going no less than 75mph. That situation was dangerous for everyone involved and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it on a daily basis! Slow down!

Thank God no one was hurt. Agree that people need to drive carefully and responsibly, especially at night.

yeah there are alot of idiots out there that shouldn't even be allowed to go in public let alone get behind the wheel.
Next time carry a couple rocks to toss into their windshields. I have seen a ton of deer hit in that area.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>Who doesn't slow down when they
>see flashers??? What a bunch
>of idiots....

Plus 1000. Happy you came out ok.
I've been slowing down to move over when a cop had someone pulled over. Glanced in my mirror and the jackass behind me came flying around me.... He got pulled over HAHA!

When the diesel hit the deer it splashed blood down the side of my truck....

I didn't know BBop drove a semi! I'll be darned!:)

Slowing down is a great idea, but as you saw that won't work. Once you saw it was a deer you should have put as much distance between you and the scene as possible. Why risk your life over a crippled deer?

no offense justr.....but your wife is an idiot. her kids need a mother more than your wife needs to worry about deer meat on the hiway...just slow down next time but don't stop.

I had several friends maimed for life when they stopped to help others!

Glad everybody is OK justr!

Several years ago I stopped to pull a big floor jack off the road,had my flashers on,was waiving & SMACK!

Took us several hours to get the Jack out of the Transmission,it cut right through the crankshaft and imbeded in the Tranny!

A little while later this Guy stops and says:Anybody seen a Floor Jack?

Thought the Guy that hit the Jack was gonna kill him!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
We got out of the road everytime someone was coming. Thought it was bs people would speed up through the middle of it all.

>Next time carry a couple rocks
>to toss into their windshields.
>I have seen a ton
>of deer hit in that

I had a friend who drove a feed truck, one night some dumb azz kid tossed a golf ball sized rock at his windshield as he was passing by at about 55mph. That rock went through the windshield and hit him in the face killing him instantly. He had a wife and 2 young kids. Your an idiot.

On top of that, I'm a surveyor. I work in live hiway traffic all the time.....the idiots were the ones who were out running around on a dark hiway in the middle of the night trying to save an already dead deer. Like JB said....your kids need parents.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I agree, people drive too fast in situations like that. BUT, every swingin D*** around stopping just makes it worse. Pretty sure it doesnt take a militia to clear the road.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.

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