sloan is gone!!


Long Time Member
Yippie! maybe we can get a good coach.

+100 He had a great run people say. I say my a$$ 23 years and what does he have not a championship bet they do betterhe is gone.
23 years of consistent winning Aint enuf for you 2 jokers? Yeah he Didn't win a championship but Gawd he was in the smallest NBA market There is. He made good teams out of the bottom of the barell players. Not counting a couple select great players over the years. He is aces in my book!
Right on whiskey bent he was only 60 million shy of having a ring. Low budget equals no rings in todays league.
Whether you think he is a good coach or not you have to respect what he's done over the years. Great coach and I hate to see a legend go, but at the same time I'm excited for a change. Hopefully a championship in the future. Who knows when though!
I think that Jerry Sloan was a great coach, a fine man, and a good neighbor. He was raised 12 miles due north of my place here in deep southern Illinois. I always admired his honesty. Cowtag
Sloan didn't care how much a guys paycheck was. He didn't care what your name was or where you played your college ball. All he cared about was that you did your job and worked hard. He demanded respect. In fact, I would dare say that he is one of the most respected coaches ever to coach any professional sport. The Jazz without Jerry Sloan will be like the Jazz without Stockton and Malone. Thank you Jerry Sloan for maintaining a competetive team on the court every night. In 23 years the Jazz have been competetive. I don't know what the stats are but the Jazz have got to up there when it comes to being in the playoffs in those 23 years.

It's always an adventure!!!
Unfornately never won Coach of the year. I suspect the reason is because he was such a good coach. Most winners are Coaches who take what is anticipated to be an average team, to strong playoff runs. Problem with Sloan, over the years he raised expectation such that everyone knew and expected he would put together a playoff team, so never won the Coach of the year. Pretty incredible what he did in that market, with those players, year after year. Will be a tough act to follow, and at the end of the day, I suspect the fans will come to lower their expectations.
He is going to be missed, All you
Sloan haters, enjoy, How many
consecutive years did Sloan make
the playoffs? 2 NBA finals, with a
Hall of Famer Malone that never
played good in the playoffs!

Look out NBA cellar dwellars, the
Jazz are hot on your heels for the
#1 draft pick
I like sloan, everyone is saying its going to get better and we have a shot at the championship now, I think its going to be rough for a while before anything if anything gets better.

WHOLELOT,it's weird how some people always seem to agree on the same things.

Sloan reminds me of every other 500 pound gorilla I've every watched, not the kind of guy you really want marrying your daughter but when there's that knife fight thing, Sloan is another one I'd want watching my back.

Jerry Sloan, Malone, Stockton owe us Utah pilgrims nothing, they earned every cent we paid'em. I wish him all the best in what ever life has in store for him, he and his crew provided me a lot a nights of great entertainment.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-11 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]>Sad to see him go but
>if this light DWills but
>on fire it could be
>a good thing.

It won't. D-will is too emotional of a player. When he gets down, he sucks and pulls the team down with him. When he is great, you can't stop him or the team, but all hell breaks loose when d-will gets pissy.
Deron is a damn crybaby, and he aint as good as he thinks he is...That said, I kinda hope he stays, and we get Karl as an assistant coach to knock some sense into him...If thats possible


If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
Karl has made his availability known to the Jazz orginization for years................
Be nice to see him added to the head coach list!!

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