Slick Rock, CO Desert Sheep (pics)


Took these pictures on Tuesday Nov. 14th at Slick Rock on Hwy 141 in Co. north of Dove Creek. There were about a dozen of them there right off the highway and not having my telephoto lens this was the best I could get.
Told the Game Warden later that week what I saw and he was all excited as they had flown over that area earlier and had not seen any Desert Sheep there.
There were two Rams in the group along with about 8-10 ewes.

We all love to see those Deserts expand and multiply. Did those sheep wander over there from Utah, or were they transplanted?
I real don't know as just happened to be driving by when we spotted them right along the road out there. Three days later I told the F&G Warden in Cortez what I had seen and he was really surprised. Said that earlier fly overs had shown nothing, so don't know if they came from Utah or they just missed them. He did say he was going to forward the info to higher ups.


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