Slept In?


Long Time Member
Who else forgot today was the 20th? My plan was to grab 2 doe/fawn antelope tags for myself and my Dad this morning but didn't remember today was the day? Not only did I forget to put in for my Ca elk and antelope tags (max points) but I also forgot to buy the doe/fawn tags in WY!! 2011 is the year of f'ups in my book. I'm disgusted with myself! I realized that I forgot at 1:37 pm and by that time all of the 48 tags were gone. :( Total loser!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Maybe those 30 packs of Keystone are affecting your memory??

Is your unit of choice already sold out?

I remembered and picked up a couple of tags in unit 8. They were sold out in that unit by 9:00 am, so I guess I got lucky. Of course I was sitting at my computer just waiting for the clock to hit 8:00.
Sounds like a real bummer to me! I guess you need to start beating the bushes and looking for some alternate spots because there are still plenty of good doe/fawn goat tags left. Living in the eastern time zone here, I can sleep in until 10AM if I want to before the F&G site even gets cranked up on license sale openers at 8AM mountain time! However, the way the site bogs down a lot of times a person is just lucky if they can get through and buy what they want before the tags are sold out.
I snagged a doe/fawn tag at 8:00.02. Then it took 20 more minutes to complete the online checkout. Definately some traffic yesterday morning, but the site stayed up.
However, the
>way the site bogs down
>a lot of times a
>person is just lucky if
>they can get through and
>buy what they want before
>the tags are sold out.

No kidding. I had antelope tags reserved, all my CC info put in and hit the Payment button and I got an error message and was redirected to the home page. I logged back on and all the tags for the areas I wanted were gone. I tried to call WY-DWR and got busy signal. Logged back on and there were two tags for one of the areas I wanted, WTH, so I bought them. The tags were not for the area that I got the error message on but tags none the less. I called the WY-DWR later that day to see if there was anything they could do about the error issue and they really couldn't have cared less. Said I was lucky to get the tags I got cause there were alot of people that didn't get any.
elkantlers---I think the reason that happened to you was because when you log on and pick the tags you want it takes them out of the system for a few minutes until you complete and pay for everything. I would hazard a guess that someone did that and then for some reason didn't complete their transaction, which put those tags back into the system when you logged back on and checked---just a guess!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-11 AT 10:35AM (MST)[p]They went quick for sure, they were gone early in the morning. Got my Doe tags when i drew the Buck tag.
I think you are right TOPGUN. I talked to people that had multiple screens with different tags reserved that timed out before they were able to pay for them because the system was so slow.

The dumb part is the tags weren't even for me, they were for my brother. I got mine during the early draw. I told him he better apply for the tags in the draw next year cause i'm not doing that again.
I was able to get area 30 tags and we have a place to hunt there. I kinda freaked out in my panic of maybe not getting any tag I bought an area 37 tag not even knowing where it was! LOL! I figured that hopefully it's close to where we'll be. It isn''s the most southern unit in WY. Oh well, I may lose that $34. Maybe we'll take an alternate route home and see more of WY than originally planned. This year has been a huge learning experience. I'm gonna most definately write things down so I don't forget. Good luck to you all in your hunts this year.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I needed some antelope doe tags for freezer meat and to get the newbie hunter girlfriend on some game . Working the swing shift I had to get up after 3 hours of sleep and be waiting at the computer .

The whole thing was slow and just taking forever . It ended up taking about a hour , but I got 4 tags for the two of us . luckily its a area I have hunted buck antelope before so at least I have a place to start .

I have never done the doe hunts before and was kind of suprised when it said I could buy 4 licenses for each hunter . Guess I'll keep that in mind for the future .
We used to always buy doe/fawn tags in the draw along with our deer and buck antelope tags. It got to the point that we weren't eating all 3 animals and I was giving some of the meat away. That's all fine and dandy but I don't want to have to do that if I don't need to. This year, we didn't get our buck tags so the 2 doe/fawn tags will fill the freezer just fine.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
foundation---The 4 doe tags all in one unit isn't the case everywhere, but just where there are ton of them that need to be thinned out and until the quota for that unit is met. Some have a max of 2 and that's definitely all you can get in the draw, but you can usally get 4 now if you want to go to different areas to add up to 4.
Thanks TOPGUN . Good information to know . We like the meat and I think four of them should be just about the right amount of meat , but it's a good fall back plan for next year if we decide we need more . argument from me....

glad it all worked out for ya wiz---

I havn't heard from Andy so I do not know if he got his tags or if he is coming here to muzzy elk hunt with us...

Travel safe---

South Dakota still has leftover tags for firearms seasons.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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