I have owned most every high end binos out there and can tell you from experience that the EL's are the best thing going right now. I also own their spotter. The EL had different tubes than the SLC, making them a bit lighter. I beleive they are titanium but could be wrong. Just don't let the price difference be your determining factor here. Amortize the difference over your next 20+ years of hunting and you will find it really is a no brainer. Here is a link to their comparison page, good luck.........rf
Thanks for the comparison link. The only differences I can see on the cart is.
The shortest focusing distances
8 feet with the El 10x42
13... SLC 10x42

EL is slightly larger in size
but approx. 3oz. lighter

Diopeter compensation?
Any help with what these mean?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-07 AT 00:27AM (MST)[p]The EL is lighter than the SLC and feels great in the hands, but to my eyes, they're not worth the difference in price, and I've owned both. Maybe a small point, but I also prefer the armoring of the SLC to that of the EL because the biggest portion of the front of the EL's is painted and easily dinged and scratched. Doesn't affect their function of course, but they can end up looking like hell in a hurry.

Maybe not the best description, but diopter compensation refers to the range of the eyepiece that focuses separately from the center focus wheel, meaning you set the diopter adjustment to one eye, and the center focus adjusts mainly for the other eye, so they both have a clear view.

If I'm not mistaken, interpupilary distance means how wide they'll open and close on the center hinge to fit an individuals eyes/facial structure because everyone's eyes are different distances apart.

Don't know if you're aware of it or not, but Swarovski just had a significant price increase (I've heard 10% across the board, but don't know for sure?..) on 1-1-07, so if you plan on buying in the next little while, I'd try to find someone who might have some "old stock" and honor last year's price, but I wouldn't wait too long.

Doug @ Cameraland is the man when it comes to optics, so that's where I'd start.
I spent about two hours in front of Sportsmans Warehouse with both as well as the Zeiss, Gold Rings and Leicas. I liked the feel of the SLCs and my eyes could not tell the differnce between the ELs and SLCs. Went with the SLCs in 2005 and have no regrets.


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