

Long Time Member
Should know in a few hours how many years OJ is going to spend behind bars. minimum of 6 up to life. Nevada judge is a hardass but its probably going to be 6-8 years
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-08 AT 09:19AM (MST)[p]

Very upsetting to hear.
That's time taken away from his search for the "real killers"[/IMG]

Prolly only get 4 years anyway as President Obama will most likley pardon him on his white house exit in 2013.

Moral of the story =

Hack two people to death = get out of jail free card.
Steal some memerabilia back = 10 years in the slammer.

Alternate Moral

Karma is a b!tch
>Very upsetting to hear.
>That's time taken away from his
>search for the "real killers"

>Prolly only get 4 years anyway
>as President Obama will most
>likley pardon him on his
>white house exit in 2013.

You bring up a good point Harry.. I had not even considered that. I mean if he is in jail he can no longer continue his search for the killers. I wonder if he has found any suspects?
I hope his attorney made the judge aware of this prior to his sentancing...

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