slamdunks the man!



i dont know a single person on this site who doesnt like slammy. everyone likes him and u know who removed his mod status. sad thing is that he wasnt even theone who nuked that whole thread. u better find the guy who really did founder cuz u still go a traitor in the ranks and u nuked one of ur most loyal supporters. and yes i know its ur site but u did jump the gun rushing to judgement on this one.

no biggie slammy its just a stupid chat forum.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
your other buddy pro doesn't like him....

I can't speak for stinkys other buddy pro.....but I have had amny conversations with him...and I can honestly say I don't think pro dislikes anyone the way a lot of people seem to dislike him....

As for slammy....that's about as honest and trustworthy of a man you will ever meet....a little too sensitive sometimes imo ( I know, u can't help it big guy) but you will never meet a more upstanding guy! I love ur guts slammy..sorry you got the shaft for no good reason. But like the oh so wise stinky said....its just a chat forum so no major loss I guess...

Slammy, everyone who knows what really has happened here recently knows it's 100% bullsh1t!! As long as I've known you, you've always been a person who I've respected the hell out of...keep being the same guy you've always been. This is just a bump in the road brotha!!

To the mod who deleted that thread and won't fess're a *****!!

Why did he lose the moderator status? What was the thread? If someone could fill me in I would appreciate it, either here or a pm. I don't see why anyone could dislike slam, I know he was very proud to be a moderator.

I really wish you wouldn't bring stuff like this up that should be discussed in private. Anyway, I did "assume" that slamdunk removed that thread about KTC being charged with wildlife crimes.

I "assumed" and shouldn't have. I have apologized to slamdunk. However, I will explain why I "assumed" he deleted the thread.

1 - That last time the KTC thread came up in March and links to KTC's arrest details were posted, slamdunk deleted them. He admitted that. He knew that he probably shouldn't delete the thread, but he did it as a favor to KTC. (Moderators on this site should not treat any thread differently just because it is about a friend)
Had the thread been about a completely unknown person, it would not have been deleted.

2 - When the thread the other day was removed, I had viewed it not 2 minutes prior. I was just getting ready to reply to it, then decided to check my PM's first because I had asked to be PMed about what the horrible things that were said about KTC were. While I was reading a PM from stinkystomper, I heard the ALERT emails that slamdunk sent come into my AOL email account. I looked at the ALERTS and saw that he was going to delete a post by hoytme because he doesn't like hoytme and the post by stinkystomper because he didn't think stinky should be saying all that he was saying in the thread.
Within a minute, I looked for the KTC thread and it was gone.

SO, I assumed slamdunk deleted the entire thread and not just the two posts. My bad. He says he didn't. It's over. I don't really care. I moved on yesterday. But here it has to be brought up and hashed over. I'm sure Doug appreciates it stinky.

I asked in the Moderators Forum if any of the other few mods over this forum removed it and all said no. So...............we're left where we are left. I would have rather it all just been kept a bit more private and it could have been worked out, but it wasn't. It's now a topic here.

I would bet, that given the facts I posted above, that pretty all of you in my position would have "assumed" the same. Sorry slammy for doesn't matter to me anymore. Stuff happens, mistakes happen, whatever.

Brian Latturner
Really guys, thanks for your support but it's ok.
I screwed up deleting that first thread and i am guilty for it and never denied doing it.
As for this time i'm not sure what happened, but i know it was not me.
No matter the outcome of this i will still be a part of this site because i love it and you people are all family to me.
I know who i am and i will hang my head high and not lose any of my dignity over this.
I'm not going anywhere, i'll just not have a badge ;-)
I already thanked Founder for my time as part of the team.
I abused my authority once and now i'm paying for it.

Now lets go scouting and find some critters!! :)[/IMG]
Founder, you've said it yourself before. this is a public forum for all to see. when someone disappears from the side box stating who the mods are u are kinda asking for scrutiny.

i can tell u are a little disturbed by my dickheadedness but u shouldnt be. It says a lot for u that u can publicly admit small judgement errors and i one have respect for the fact that u will post an explanation. thanks for the clarification and to slamdunk, u can go get over ur bad self if u hate me for starting this thread. U dont have it in you to hate me. heck if u ignore me too much longer im gonna get some plane tickets and fly down there and beat ur ass until u like me again. anyone wanna come see me n slammy have it out? might be a good fight? ............. uhhhh...... do i stand a chance???? lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I sent you a PM slammy. Stinky should have let this work out, without sharing it with everyone else. Stinky is using this mess as entertainment for himself. Just as with the stinky post you removed about KTC.

Brian Latturner
Yes, a little disturbed. Amazed really. You try to make it appear that you are "standing up" for your friends, but I believe all it really is entertainment for you at the cost of others. That's my opinion. I don't think everyone on this site needs to know about all this. I could have deleted the thread, but then I'm sure you would posted something else about how corrupt and unfair I am.
Sorry Doug.

Brian Latturner
All I have left to say is this can still be worked out Founder but I'll guarantee you one thing...if Doug said he didn't delete it then he didn't delete it period. He's proven he can admit to making a mistake. I can only imagine he's asking himself why he's the only one who seems to be able to do so...

Doug, you are a stand up guy in my book..
And I always thought a guy was innocent until proven guilty.
Sorry to see you drug into something like this, but at least it is just a "status" you lost...and whether you are determined to be guily or not, that is all you lost. You were accused of something that you didn't do and lost that role of moderator.

and yes this should all be kept private!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-10 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]This is mm... If your accused then your guilty, plain and simple! There's no talking your way out of it. (Not aimed at slammy, just the way it is around here)

If you hang around here enough your bound to make a friend or 2, along with a few "enemies." I don't know how you could get a mod that knows the ropes, but won't have a soft spot for someone. Slam and Founder are man enough to admit their mistakes on an open forum they have my respect even more than before. Here is my vote to give slam his mod status back, they apoligized and no harm no foul in my eyes.

$10 on slam beating the hell out of stinky in that fight!

Careful Kilo....You may get a Dishonorable Discharge as well...

Stinky, Let me know when this "Muscle Milk Showdown" between you and slammy takes place so I can go keep Qtip company...

"Like Sands Through The Hour Glass These Are The Forums Of MonsterMuleys"


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
WTF ???? we finally get rid of mother teresa doug in a way that left us all looking innocent...and now he has his badge back??....

LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-10 AT 01:05PM (MST)[p]I've had more nukes in one day then all the time you've been on MM Hoytme...quit yer cryin already!! :'(

:) God I love this place!! Founder you're a good man, thanks for clearing it up!!

Oh and 13er...I hope everone else can sense your dry humor as much as I can lol!!

Slammy, Remember that PM I sent you with all those kind words while you were in exile ? I would like to call in the favor Buddy and ask that you don't nuke the Girlie pics I put up. :)

Good job Founder. This ended as it should have. that we are all friends again, can we revisit the post about JB and the drunk, bisexual, Hindu, Hula girl in Hawaii?
Ehough already! I did it. I deleted the thread! Under 1911's login. I was over visiting fireball one day when 45 was at work. He left his computer on and as I was going out the back door I couldn't resist. I never meant to get anyone in trouble!

I tried to delete everything 440, hate-me, killerbee and a few others ever posted but I heard a car drive up n I had to run.
lol I would just about find you credible on that Sancho since my puter has banished me to a life of cell phone surfing. Really would explain a lot.
>Ehough already! I did it. I
>deleted the thread! Under 1911's
>login. I was over visiting
>fireball one day when 45
>was at work. He left
>his computer on and as
>I was going out the
>back door I couldn't resist.
>I never meant to get
>anyone in trouble!
>I tried to delete everything 440,
>hate-me, killerbee and a few
>others ever posted but I
>heard a car drive up
>n I had to run.

at least your man enough to say that under your real user-name.......
I'm man enough killer. By the way, I put a little WD40 on that squeaky hinge on your back door but that dripping shower faucet in the master bath is annoying.

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