SlamDunk in a Movie!


Long Time Member

PLOT: SlamDunk plays the mysterious Gabriel Van Elkstink and Kate Beckinsale plays Princess Anna Voluptuous, the last member of a competing guide service in Utah. The movie is set near the end of the 19th century with Van Elkstink working as a hunting guide who has been slaying monster elk all over the United States for centuries. Van Elkstink has been sent to the Dutton area in Utah to guide for the dark Mr. Stomper and the battle is set.

During his mission to help kill a monster elk, Van Elkstink crosses paths with the alluring Anna. At first she is inclined to kill him but her hatred soon turns to lust. Anna joins forces with Van Elkstink to go after a monster bull. Lust ensues and the outcome of Mr. Stomper?s hunt is now in jeopardy. Van Elkstink has to make a choice between passion or his newfound friendship with Mr. Stomper.

WARNING: Film contains some animal nudity, poor acting, man on animal violence, several attempts at humor and bad grammar.
Good to have you back F-Dude.
The image in the moon is very creative.
Is there a fight scene between Qtpie and Anna?
ROFDL! That's too great. I think you captured the bro-mance between me and slammy perfectly with my moon portrait. ROFL!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
I heard it was a hit at the Tribeca Film Festival and should beat Slum Dog millionaires record of Awards for a crappy movie!!!!
There are a few scenes with TripleK and Qtip in supporting roles but the editors had to make some major cuts to keep the R rating. Perhaps a sequel is coming.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-09 AT 10:53AM (MST)[p]Lol.....that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!
I have GOT to copy and frame's the best one yet!!
Thanks FELENO, your a stud!!

Every MM elk hunt story or movie involves copious amounts of butter flavored Crisco. I'm sure this will be no exception!

What role will Bobcatbess play?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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