slamdunk fesses up!



ok slammy,
i'm interested in your leftovers,but first i must ask?
do these steroids make your little muscles big & your big muscle small?
just curious,don't really want to change anything downstairs....

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

well pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase deaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.............
been thinkin about drinkin some of that muscle milk on the lip stuff,just want to get the facts from slam............

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

LMAO Manny!!

The "shrinkage" comes from the lack of doing a PTC (post cycle therapy).
Anytime our testosteone rises our estrogen naturally follows.
When a person does a cycle of juice or even andro it raises test levels and also estrogen.
The shrinkage comes AFTER a cycle when the test levels return back to or below normal yet the estrogen level is still higher.
It tricks your body into thinking your turning into a female, hence it doesn't think you need your "cookies" anymore so they shrink.
What people do to combat this is to take an estrogen blocker during and post cycle to keep estrogen levels in check.
This is also the reason you see "juicers" get big muscles then shrink back down, they simply didn't do their PTC correctly.

There ya go! ;-)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-10 AT 10:37AM (MST)[p]That explaination sounds like a new Manny17 will appear soon.

ROFL! You seriously crack me up dougydoo! And this whole time Tony and I thought you ate a lot of peanut butter. Your a brave man slammy lol

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