Slam gets Mile High Wings



Get your minds out of the gutter people!!
I went to my first (but definately not last) Broncos game in the Mile High City on Thanksgiving to watch them beat up on the Giants, it was awesome!! :)

i've been twice, first time was the very first preseason game held there. The place is very "neon" with the bright lights and vivid colors. great place to watch the Broncs put a spanking on someone. Looks like you had a lot better seats than we ever had.
>I'm still thinkin there was an
>airplane & some elevation involved!

lol Ramone...too bad there wasn't a woman involved...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

i never been in the stadium, but i did remodel a hotel that was 1/4 mile from there. seen the place every day for 3 months. congrats on the mile high status
beat up on the Giants? Who pitched that night?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I don't know Slunk? judging by the attendance in your photo I think you might have been at either the JV or girls game? Just saying!

It's a lot different when you go to the game vs watching on TV.
I go to all the USC games but when we go to a Chargers or Niners game it seems to be a bit faster and takes a little while to keep up with who has the ball and who is faking they have it. You can also better appreciate the speed of running backs and the db's when the play is close to you.
Don't fret slickrock, that picture was taken 1 1/2 hours prior to kick off.
My ears are still ringing from the 74000 fans that filled those seats ;-)

Dang - I am just a little bit jealous! Way too cool Doug!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
10 yrs guiding elk hunters in colorado and new mexico, i truly wish i would have went and seen john elway just once!
Looks like good times Slammer!! Last Broncos game I went to was against the Giants but that was over 10 years ago and I can't remember who won lol but it was cold!!

Sweet! Looks like you had good seats too.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold

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