Skyline, Nomad or the Prostaff


Very Active Member
Ok guys help me out I'm in the market for a new spoting scope. I like these three. Is there anywhere I can look through all three? What do you have and why or why not do you like it.

Skyline Nomad Nikon Prostaff

20-60x80 20-60x60 20-60x82

It would be for backpack hunting.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I have the Skyline ED and it has been an awesome scope and the warranty is great. The only concern I might have for you is that it is a little heavy for packpack hunting. But I would check one out and see what you think.
I have a 80mm Swarovski and I have a Leupold HD. I scout with the Swarovski, because nothing is as good; you can see great detail and see MILES away.

When weight becomes an issue (during many backcountry hunts), I take the smaller Leupold. (My llamas carry the equipment but that is still my method.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I horse back alot so I went for the big Skyline. My hunting partner opted for the Nomad. If strictly backpacking, I'd proabably go with the Nomad.
I had the Skyline. Great scope, but it is heavy enough that you also need a pretty heavy tripod to hold it up. This also adds more wieght to pack. It got to be too much and I traded it in for a Nomad on top of a Vortex high country tripod. It has worked out great.

You might consider the Stokes Sandpiper 15x45-65(made by Vortex) in that price range as well. You give up some magnification in return for a bigger objective lens which in my mind is worth it. I've looked through the two side by side and feel you get a little better picture through the Sandpiper, particularly in low light. It seems to have a little better eye relief as least for me. Talk to Chris at VIP and get his opinion; he treated me very well.
>You might consider the Stokes Sandpiper
>15x45-65(made by Vortex) in that
>price range as well.

I believe the sandpiper is no longer available. Have you looked at the Nikon ed50. I have been trying to decide between the ed 50 and the 60mm fieldcope. I compared the Fieldscope, Nomad, and Nikon Spotter XLII. I thought the Nomad and XLII were pretty close.
I my self am going with the nikon prostaff 16x48-60 it is just what i need as far as clarification, weight and price range. I took my pack in to put the two pro staffs n it, if your planning on backpacking in or even hiking in and using the 80-82mm you had better plan on bringing a goat cause they are bulky and heavy but amazing how much you can see with it.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-10 AT 01:03PM (MST)[p]I too went with the prostaff 16-48x65, got it in the kit for 250. I think it is one of the best scops for the money!!
I looked through the nomad, skyline, spotter xl II, leupold suquoia, and the prostaff.
I have the Nomad and have used it for 3 years now. It really has been great for packing, I never leave it behind. It is a great piece of glass for the price and the warranty is awesome. my buddy bought the skyline the same time as me and after one trip in his pack it just stays in the truck now because it is too heavy. I cant leave the Nomad behind now, it is so beneficial to have when you get back in. Anyway I have the Nomad and it has been great for me, take that for what its worth!

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