


skeeters are awful this year... any tips on avoiding them? I have used a face net from Walmart $2 and lots of spray 40% deet and it helped a little.... the little yellow bracelets do not work!
Town has been spraying for skeeter so they ain't to bad this year but the dad-gum pinyon gnats are horrid!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-11 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]
Find it yourself with a simple search, LOL! Malathion, like any other chemical, should be used with caution and that's not what your post sounded like to me!

EDIT: Ah, I see you went back and edited your post to read "when used as directed" while I was typing this one out! Smart boy after all, LOL!
I don't like using chemicals to kill things, but when I can't even go outside it's getting out of hand! I researched the use of malathion before I decided to use it, and found little evidence that the stuff does damage unless you are exposed to extremely high levels, and we're talking like drinking the stuff . . . I mix as directed, spray in the early morning in very little wind, and keep everyone inside until it dries out. Where long pants/shirt. After a spray, around the house is nearly mosquito free until it rains again . . .

From the EPA:

"EPA states that, ?Human exposures to malathion
are generally quite low.? Because potential human exposure
is several orders of magnitude lower than dose
levels in animal studies and the studies show no firm
evidence of cancer caused by malathion, EPA concluded
that when malathion is used according to label
directions cancer risk is not a concern."
>I don't like using chemicals to
>kill things, but when I
>can't even go outside it's
>getting out of hand!
>I researched the use of
>malathion before I decided to
>use it, and found little
>evidence that the stuff does
>damage unless you are exposed
>to extremely high levels, and
>we're talking like drinking the
>stuff . . .
>I mix as directed, spray
>in the early morning in
>very little wind, and keep
>everyone inside until it dries
>out. Where long pants/shirt.
> After a spray, around
>the house is nearly mosquito
>free until it rains again
>. . .
>From the EPA:
>"EPA states that, ?Human exposures to
>are generally quite low.? Because potential
>human exposure
>is several orders of magnitude lower
>than dose
>levels in animal studies and the
>studies show no firm
>evidence of cancer caused by malathion,
>EPA concluded
>that when malathion is used according
>to label
>directions cancer risk is not a

,,,,,,,, However, be aware that, extensive research has proven that the use of this product will cause your children to be born naked!

"What's good for me, ain't necessarily good for the weak minded"
You should be fine using it like that. I thought you were talking about using it on your person. Don't laugh because I've heard of a lot goofier stuff that people have done than that and I'm sure you have to!
>You should be fine using it
>like that. I thought
>you were talking about using
>it on your person.
>Don't laugh because I've heard
>of a lot goofier stuff
>that people have done than
>that and I'm sure you
>have to! the hikers that sprayed each other with bear spray?.....

"What's good for me, ain't necessarily good for the weak minded"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-11 AT 07:44AM (MST)[p]It's funny that I have recently traveled to the woods of northern Michigan and the mountains of Southern Colorado, and the skeeters are far, far worse in Wyoming . . .
I'm a skeet shooter so I guess that makes me a skeeter!
My wife wishes she could find a good spray to get rid of me! LOL


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