Six Poachers Sentenced


Long Time Member
From Idaho F&G:

Six men ? four from Idaho, one from Pennsylvania and one from Arkansas ? have been sentenced on elk poaching charges, following a two-year investigation.

In August 2007, Idaho Fish and Game received several reports from landowners in the Pahsimeroi Valley of a group of elk hunters using illegal and unethical hunting methods.

The reports initiated a two-year investigation that resulted in the seizure of five illegal elk and the prosecution of six individuals with 24 misdemeanor counts in Bingham, Lemhi and Custer counties.

The case was wrapped up in July.

Charged and prosecuted in the case were Gary L. Ward of Blackfoot, Gary D. Ward of Fort Hall, William L. Mathews of Blackfoot, John D. McLean of Pocatello, Darrell D. Ward of Fayetteville, Pa., and Charles N. Sexton of Flippin, Ark.

The group was involved in hunting in closed areas, transferring tags, purchasing resident licenses while residing outside of Idaho, hunting without the proper tag, killing elk in excess of the bag limits, and hunting with the use of motorized vehicles.

Gary L. Ward was sentenced to 10 days in jail, fined $2,082 and loss of hunting and fishing privileges for nine years.

Charles N. Sexton was fined $990 and loss of hunting privileges for two years. Gary D. Ward was fined $652 and loss of hunting privileges for two years. Darrel Ward was fined $418 and loss of hunting privileges for one year. William L. Mathews was fined $338 and loss of hunting privileges for one year. John D. McLean was fined $333.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Those fines seem EXTREMELY light. Assuming they actually did that with which they are charged...and didn't simply make some kind of technical mistake, all penalties should have been at least 3 times as strong...probably more so.

I don't know those guys but do live right here. I guess I'm very unhappy at my "local" judge but intentionally breaking laws regarding residency (seems pretty obvious), number of big-game animals and so forth should have been dealt with MUCH MORE SEVERELY. I'm just a guy, but I'm going to find out about this and (assuming it's right) do my best to make sure some judge is replaced.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
The fines do seem to be small,they act they don't take poaching seriously there. Just my opinion.
gb22 , some times its cases like this that let you know how your judges are doing their job's . I know where I live we had a judge that was goofy as a stomped ant , and people finally had enough . When there was enough bad press she was was voted off the bench .
Obviously, I know no more about this than what is printed here. I will find out. Those penalties are (essentially) the minimum allowed by law. I can understand the possibility of shooting an elk on the "wrong" side of a hunting unit boundary (one side open and the next closed) but it's pretty hard to not know in which state you reside, how many are legal and so forth.

I'm fond of the saying about the bad guys winning if the good guys won't get involved. If someone cheated that blatantly, they judge should have taken it more seriously than it appears they did.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
very disapointed in the judgement, loss of hunting rights should have been longer even if the fines where light.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-09 AT 05:32PM (MST)[p]the fines will probley make some guys think hey big bull for around 500 "if i get caught" judges make me sick this gives guys that dont care just go do it again and again
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-09 AT 05:56PM (MST)[p]>>hey big bull for around 500 "if i get caught"<<

But in addition to the $500 fine, they then also lose the bull when it gets confiscated.

I'm not sure how it is in Idaho, but in some states, the state laws make it hard for judges to go beyond certain levels of fines/jail, etc., especially when the infractions amount to misdemeanors -- akin to traffic violations.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I live here (Idaho). I've been involved in a couple of prosecutions. The judges have considerable latitude. Without looking up the specific statutes, these penalties (with the exception of the first guy) are the minimum. Again, if they did what it says they did, this was not stringent enough.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Does Idaho have a "trophy" exemption like Utah and Arizona? The fines are MUCH higher if they poach a mature animal.

The sentence never seems to match the crime.
Yes we do have trophy laws; for the most part I agree with such laws. HOWEVER, it says these guys drove clear across the country, didn't buy licenses, hunted out of season and shot more than the limit. That seems pretty egregious, even if they shot the smallest ones in the herd.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
If that is all that happens......Who wants to go hunting tonight? I just bought a new spotlight!! What a bunch of crap!!:( They all should have a least 5,000.00 fines and 10-15 year loss of hunting rights!!!

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