


Any of you guys or gals out there sing or write songs? Any history dealing with the music business? I think some of the best songs that I have ever heard have been around the campfire from friends or friends of friends. I bust out the guitar every once in a while and do write my own songs but for some reason as soon as I start singing everyone seems to be tired and want to hit the sack, weird.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Writing down the lyrics is just not the same as hearing them with the music. Hopefully I can get into studio here soon and then let you guys hear what I have to offer. Anybody work at a studio? Anybody with a good voice willing to sing my songs?
Heres one I did not write.... I dont know, but Ive' been told, Eskimo... Ahh nevermind:)

I agree Kumbaya just does not fit in deer camp. Heads and carcasses hanging around, blood on the hands and a coldie pop afterward does not jive with that song.

Seriously though, my dad said my grandad was a pretty good harmonica player and he would jam a couple songs for the crew before lights out. I think that brings a frotier type feel to camp.
I think its kinda like how everything tastes better when you're hunting just because, maybe the campfire music sounds better than it really is too.....
My father in law cut a CD,
just cause he had always wanted to,
with Johnny Gimble playing the fiddle
for him. Had the whole band, and recorded
it in Johnny Gimbles, sons studio.

Western swing music. Old fart had a Blast,
and it's pretty darn good. He loves to play
the guitar and sing, but I was unaware that he
had been attempting to write some 'til my wife
told me the other night.

Our own Dslaughter here on MM is a pretty fancy
singer and a bit of a songwriter himself.

Interesting post.


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