Since we are going down Memory Lane

I think that I still have all of the edited versions on disc somewhere. Dem were good times!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Funny thing is that pic made it to at least one other site, dont remember where I saw it, maybe But I took a little thrill in knowing I was there at the beginning.
Here is one that doesn't get mentioned very often but is my personal favorite. This is where some of us really got to know each other. Kingfish kept trying to end it, but that just made it worse. It started out to be a serious post, but quickly went downhill, and only got lower. Polarbear had me in tears for weeks. Those who were silly enough to participate will never be the same. Bobcatbess was a leading player.
I remember one about the flea market horn measuring or something like that. It was a funny post. Does anyone else remember this post?
Thanks Eel - that one is one of the greats too! Stuff like that is what got me addicted to this site!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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