
Long Time Member
Rather Than Tearing My Leupold Off My REMINGTON ULTIMATE/UML I Decided I'd Just Go BASS-ACKWARDS In Time & Use One Of My SmokePoles From Yester-Year That Still Has A 1X Scope On It!

When DRATville Started The Early SmokePole Season Many Years Ago I Bought A REMINGTON 700ML! ((( Not To Be Confused With The Newer REMINGTON 700 UML!)))

I Spent Alot Of Time & Money Dialing Both Of The Remington's In!

Ended Up Using 90 GRAINS Of GOEX 3fff BLACK NASTY!

And A 600 Grain POWER PUNCH Bullet!

A few Years ago I Run Some POWERBELT PLATINUM 338's Through The 700ML & 90 Grains Of BH 209 & The Load Was Damn Accurate!

But After Rigging The REMINGTON 700 UML Up With Better Optics I Just Haven't Shot The REMINGTON 700 ML Much!

So I Got It Out About A Week Ago & Decided I'm Gonna Use It Rather Than F'N With A Gun That Don't Need F'D With!

Me & My Son Waited For It To Get Light Enough To Set Up & Shoot This Morning!

We Set Targets Up At 50 Yards!

And We Set Targets Up At 100 Yards!

I Ordered Some Hornady ELD-X BORE DRIVERS 340 gr Bullets A Few weeks Back & Decided To Try Them!

Got A Few Friends That Wanted To Know Anything I Knew About Them But Until Today I Didn't Have Any Experience With Them!

90 Grains Of BH 209 POWDER!

CCI 209 MAGNUM Primers!

I Shot 3 Rounds At The 50 Yard Target You'll See In This First Picture:

Hornady ELD-X BORE DRIVER 340 gr.jpg

After These 3 Shots I Knew I'd Need Twist Up To Be Somewhere I Wanted To Be At 100 Yards!

So I Gave The Scope 12 Clicks Of Twist In The Up Direction!

I Fired 2 More At 100 & The Barrel Was Starting To Warm Up A Bit!

The First Shot Is 1-1/2" High At 100 Yards!

The 2nd Shot Is 5/8" High At 100 Yards!

My Homemade Target Circle Is 3" In Diameter!

At 50 Yards Through The JUNK 1X Scope I Could Barely See The Bullseye!

At 100 Yards Through The JUNK 1X Scope I Couldn't Even See The Bullseye!

I Held The Cross-hairs The Best I Could As Close As I Could To Center On The 8" X 10" & Then Prayed!:D


I Don't Know How They Will Perform In The Field On Game Animals?

But I Was Perty Impressed With The Way They Shot!

The First ELD-X Down The Tube On A Clean Barrel Wasn't Quite As Tight As I'd Like!

After A Couple Shots They Felt About Right Going Down The Pipe!

Just Thought I'd Pass This Info On To Other MM'ERS/Hunters!

I Lost My 20/10 Vision About 2 Years Ago & That Flat Ass SUCKS!

Go poke a hole in something with hair on it BC.

I pull down my flintlock this morning, cuz I’m gonna take it to a water hole Weds morning. Figured I’ll run a few patches down it, to clean the dust and atmospheric sludge out. First patch came off halfway down the barrel. Can’t find my patch remover. None for sale over in town so it’s out to the shop tonight to make one. Figure I’ll be pissed off at BYU by halftime.

Kind of a typical day around here.
Well BLTG!

5 Shots Were Fired And You're Looking At Them!

If I Can Be Lucky 5 Shots In A Row I'm Taking Them!:D

With BH 209 It Doesn't Take Long To Start Warming The Barrel Up!

I Will Add This:

With Just 90 Grains Of The BH 209, 3 out Of The 5 CCI 209 MAGNUM PRIMERS Came Out In Pieces!

Just Sayin:

Careful With The BH 209 Powder!

I'm Not Gonna Increase The Powder Charge!

If Anything I Think It Should Be Backed Off Slightly!

I'll Take The HorseSShit Luck I Guess!:D


You Wanted Me To Keep Shootin Till I Really F'ED Things Up Didn't You?:D

Good shooting. Where did the third, fourth, and fifth shot end up or did you quit at two just to keep your confidence level up and not make sure it wasn’t just horesh#t luck twice in a row? 😂 20/50 vision in your shooting eye really sucks with a bow
God bless you man and best of luck on your muzzy hunt!!! I find the best strategy is to get within about 30 yards with whatever weapon I am using. That way bad vision and pinpoint accuracy don’t come into play as much
Hey Thanks BLTG!

I'm Afraid From Here Out In There's Gonna Have To Be Some Luck Involved!

Same To You On Your Hunts!

I Seriously Thought About Getting My HAWKENS Out!

But 40+ Years Ago I Filed The Front Sight Down To A Hair!

Ya,That 20/10 Sure Was Nice While It Lasted!

HELL, I Can't Even See That Front Sight Now!:D

God bless you man and best of luck on your muzzy hunt!!! I find the best strategy is to get within about 30 yards with whatever weapon I am using. That way bad vision and pinpoint accuracy don’t come into play as much

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