Alot of scuffle on this subject?

Can you legally hunt Big Game in Utah with a Suppressor/Silencer installed on your Gun?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-11 AT 06:39PM (MST)[p]I believe you can, IF the "silencer" is legally registered. I have not seen any rule specifically stating that you cannot use a "silencer" (that doesn't mean it doesn't exist). They have to be registered with the ATF and you have to have a federal tax stamp for it. I'm sure someone on here will enlighten us more on the use of them specifically for hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-11 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]I hunted some coyotes in another state last year with an AR .223 that had a suppresor on it. What a hoot. I shot 2 dogs together and the second dog was still standing next to the other one when I put a bullet through him. His buddy just dropped and he just stood there looking at him. It was loaded with subsonic ammunition and I made more noise when I spit than that gun did. I was going to look into getting one for my Bushmaster but I don't know the Utah regs. Thanks for posting the question Bessy!

It's always an adventure!!!
Prohibited weapons
Utah Code ? 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-8
You may not hunt big game with a firearm
that's capable of being fired fully automatic, or
with any light-enhancement device or aiming
device that casts a beam of light.
You may only use firearms and archery tackle
that are expressly permitted in this guide.

This all I could find.
I have heard that the Federal Tax stamps for a silencer/suppressor is ungodly expensive and it is a per year tax and you have to always have the paperwork with the weapon in case they come by your house to do a look-see, but then again some people have more money than they know what to do with. To me it would be a giant pain, but if you want it then have at it.
The guy that I used his gun to shoot the coyotes said that it cost him $200 for the license. I don't know if that is per year or a one time fee. I don't know if that is just for the state he lives or if that was a federal fee. It does require a permit though.

It's always an adventure!!!
It is about like the same requirements as for a fully automatic rifle, I too had a friend that was looking into it as well.
It is a one time $200 stamp...for each supressor. The stamp needs to travel w/the silencer/can (It ain't the same thing as forgetting to put your wallet in your pocket and you get stopped for speeding and don't have your license).

I heard that they were thinking of getting them for all military guns as they have so many loss of hearing claims.

John 14:6
Not sure what the law is in Utah but in Wyoming you can't hunt anything with a silencer/suppressor. I looked into it and thought it would be great for dogs but it is not legal. Wyoming game and fish are nopt a very understanding bunch.
>I heard that they were thinking
>of getting them for all
>military guns as they have
>so many loss of hearing
>John 14:6

It is a good idea for that, but unfortuneately the ballistics get screwy when you do stuff like that. Won't have nearly the range that they normally would. Can you just imagine what the silencer would have to look like for a M-2 .50 Cal BMG. Probably look like a beer keg. LOL!
I think that they were only thinking of it on M4s and the smaller guns.

I don't have a supressor.

John 14:6
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-11 AT 06:37AM (MST)[p]>
>It is a good idea for
>that, but unfortuneately the ballistics
>get screwy when you do
>stuff like that. Won't
>have nearly the range that
>they normally would. Can
>you just imagine what the
>silencer would have to look
>like for a M-2 .50
>Cal BMG. Probably look
>like a beer keg.

Do explain how ballistics get "screwy" because of a can...They will add a few FPS and POI may change a bit, thats about it.

The ones with "wipes", geared more towards sub-sonics do hinder ballistics, but dont confuse the two.
Not sure what the law is in Utah but in Wyoming you can't hunt anything with a silencer/suppressor. I looked into it and thought it would be great for dogs but it is not legal. Wyoming game and fish are nopt a very understanding bunch.
This is not true at all....
Here is a list of states that allow hunting with a suppressor

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-11 AT 06:37AM (MST)[p]>
>It is a good idea for
>that, but unfortuneately the ballistics
>get screwy when you do
>stuff like that. Won't
>have nearly the range that
>they normally would. Can
>you just imagine what the
>silencer would have to look
>like for a M-2 .50
>Cal BMG. Probably look
>like a beer keg.

Do explain how ballistics get "screwy" because of a can...They will add a few FPS and POI may change a bit, thats about it.

The ones with "wipes", geared more towards sub-sonics do hinder ballistics, but dont confuse the two.
Yep I call BS on that one also.
Hey JakeH!

You Need To Go Re-Read HELL-RIGHT!

It's One More Item on The GADGETRY List You Won't Be Able To Use!

I Never Said it Would Help The Deer Herd By letting People Use Them For Hunting Deer!

How is a suppressor going to help deer herds in Utah bess?

Do explain?
Hey JakeH!

You Need To Go Re-Read HELL-RIGHT!

It's One More Item on The GADGETRY List You Won't Be Able To Use!

I Never Said it Would Help The Deer Herd By letting People Use Them For Hunting Deer!
Ok...... if the items on your list won't help the deer herds why are they on the list of 50+ things that will turn the herds around? I mean it kinda taints the list if your going to openly admit that there are things on the list that won't help the deer herds doesn't it???

Just doesn't make sense bessy.

I don't own a suppressor, would love too though mostly to help save what hearing I have left. I've lost way to much already. Hence the reason SS has dubbed me the muff man. I don't view it as a benefit to the hunting, more of a personal protection device. ?‍♂️
Hey JakeH!

I've Witnessed it first Hand!

Kinda Like shooting 1,000+ Yard Shots,The Animal doesn't even Flinch!

With the Can You can Be really Close!

Let's Say You Miss!

The Animal Doesn't Hear The Big KaBOOM!

But That Doesn't Matter!

Just Keep Shooting!

You've got The Advantage!

You've got So Many Advantages in today's Hunting World You Ever Wonder Why The Deer Herd is in such PISS POOR Shape?

It's Just a Small Slice of the Pie but it Adds To it!

Just Think,You Could get Rid of your Muffs!:D

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