Silencer Billl Silenced


Very Active Member
Read in the paper today the silencer bill was shot down in flames. Glad to hear it. Even though the G&F, Game Wardens Association and some hunting/conservation groups opposed the bill, Smokescreen and SFW were lobbying hard for its passage. It makes the defeat even sweeter...
Daniel Beach, the west Casper game warden, added that there are ethical considerations to take into account.

?We are getting into the fair-chase issues,? he said. ?We are getting technology that is making shooting so good that we don't want to cross that threshold where it's not hunting anymore; it's killing.?

FYI Beach, silencers don't add to accuracy. Accuracy comes from a good action, good barrel, rifle stock, scope, and shooter's talent.

I have never met a guy who is out to make a name for himself more than Beach. He has no common sense, as illustrated above.

Poachers who use silencers will still use silencers, and gun laws will not keep guns out of criminals' hands.
>Poachers who use silencers will still
>use silencers, and gun laws
>will not keep guns out
>of criminals' hands.

That sounds more like NRA paranoia to me. I've never heard of a poaching case in Wyoming involving silencers. And its probably because until recent years, its been pretty damn hard to get yer hands on one. Certainly wouldn't be the case if the bill would've passed. I do agree with you that accuracy is a function of a quality firearm and practice. Having said that, if yer a good shot, why do you need a silencer? One shot and its done. If yer argument relates to hearing issues, then go spend a couple bucks on hearing protection. At my daughter's hunters ed class I musta heard the instructor's preach hearing protection at least a half dozen times.

Regarding Beach's comment, how do you infer that anything he said was about accuracy? I'd guess he was talking about reduced noise levels and the animal being disoriented to the shot, especially upwind shots at a distance.
"And its probably because until recent years, its been pretty damn hard to get yer hands on one. Certainly wouldn't be the case if the bill would've passed."

The bill passing would have nothing to do with Federal rules. You can buy one. It will cost you a ton of $ and a 6 month wait.

"Regarding Beach's comment, how do you infer that anything he said was about accuracy?"

Beach said techology is making shooting so GOOD. He implied accuracy with the comment, and he was commenting on the newspaper article about silencers.

"I've never heard of a poaching case in Wyoming involving silencers."

Funny, me neither. However, G&F used poaching as why they were against the bill, along with some elected officals. See attached link in post #1.

I am unaware of NRA being paranoid. Are you saying stricter gun laws would have prevented all the recent shootings?
>The bill passing would have nothing
>to do with Federal rules.

Never said it wouldn't?

Also I don't see Beach saying anything about accuracy. If that's how you infer it, more power to ya...

>However, G&F used poaching as why they were against the bill, >along with some elected officals.

Ya, and if people can't get their hands on them that easily because they're not legal, then their argument might be valid. Guess we're gonna chew the same cabbage twice...

What does yer contention that gun laws and criminals hands have to do with this silencer bill? Basically nothing. But as usual, its a typical NRA argument to lump everything together. Now yer dumping shootings in with silencers.

What's next terrorists and silencers?

By the way, what's yer reason to make them legal? Too much effort to put in ear plugs? The good thing is, this bill is gone for at least a few years and I'm done with this subject...
Triple BB:

1. Why do you think WY making it legal to hunt with silencers would make it easier for people to get their hands on them? You've said it twice now.

2. Give me your interpretation of what Beach was saying?

3. Where did I say I was for silencers?

4. Aren't you just against silencers because SFW is for them?

5. What's your position on the proposed gun laws? i.e. high capacity mags, semi auto rifles

Try not to avoid the questions like you have a tendency to do.
G14-I'm glad you guys have Beach now and he isn't here anymore!He always seemed a little over-zealous to me.He reminds me a little of those Cali wardens on that tv show.

In spite of that,maybe he was referring to the fact that we have become too techno-advanced as a hunting community and we don't really need to add silencers into that.
so are we suppose to outlaw the next techo-advance item that comes along and then the next one after that, I for one don't need or want the Govt. to keep putting up more laws that are stupid.
The new crazy about gun bans, where is the new laws about mental heath that the first thing that the govt should be helping is people with mental problems and then gettting the guns out of their hands and not every ones else hands.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
RE: Silencer Billl Silenced..NOT SO FAST!!!!!!

After a drawn out battle in the Wyoming legislature the House voted today to overwhelmingly pass SF0132 to allow hunting with suppressors in Wyoming. Our lobbyist Todd Rathner worked very closely with the NRA, Wyoming Sportsmen For Fish and Wildlife, and Wyoming Gun Owners to strip out a bad amendment to the bill, which would have made it legal to only hunt varmints with suppressors. This damaging anti-gun amendment was supported by the Wyoming Game Wardens Association and the AFL-CIO Sportsmen?s Alliance which is an anti-gun front group for the left wing union.

BUT the work is NOT finished!!! It is critical that if you live, work or hunt in Wyoming you MUST contact Governor Matt Mead and politely ask him to sign SF0132 as soon as possible. He has only until THIS Saturday to sign, veto, or allow it to become law without his signature. We would prefer that he sign it making a bold statement about the benefits of hunting with suppressors.

PLEASE stop what you are doing and take a moment to email and call the governor's office and ask him to please sign SF0132. Our opponents will be asking him to veto it so we must get as many calls and emails in as possible.

Emaill Governor Matt Mead at: [email protected]
Call Governor Matt Mead at: (307) 777-7434
RE: Silencer Billl Silenced..NOT SO FAST!!!!!!

Thanks for the heads up. I'll make sure to shoot him an email asking him to veto it.
RE: Silencer Billl Silenced..NOT SO FAST!!!!!!

I'll make sure to tell Mead to VETO it...thanks for the links.
Not too lazy to wear hearing protection. It's about making choices. It's also about involving more people in hunting to assure it's future.
WTF are you smoking?

Silencers are going to get more peple involved in hunting?


If you're at all concerned about the future of hunting, quit worrying about selling silencers and start working on the number one reason that people quit hunting or never start...ACCESS.

what a joke...and if this is truly about choices...then let hunters choose whether they want to allow silencers for hunting or not. Dont use the legislature for your agenda.
>WTF are you smoking?
>Silencers are going to get more
>peple involved in hunting?
>If you're at all concerned about
>the future of hunting, quit
>worrying about selling silencers and
>start working on the number
>one reason that people quit
>hunting or never start...ACCESS.
>what a joke...and if this is
>truly about choices...then let hunters
>choose whether they want to
>allow silencers for hunting or
>not. Dont use the legislature
>for your agenda.

You make no sense the legislature represents the people. Silencers are about access so is every other hunting issue.

We need to get all those "black gun" buyers interested in hunting so they have a stake in saving it. This is one avenue to do that. It gives them a reason to protect hunting.

You guys are so afraid of anything new you can't see the big picture.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-13 AT 05:11PM (MST)[p]The Legislature represents the people?

Tell me the last time that happened...when the Brady Bill passed? Oh, maybe it was when the AWB passed?

Was that the legislature listening to and representing the people?

I'm sure your employer will be happy to hear you report back that since the Brady Bill and AWB passed, its just the legislature doing their job representing the people.

Its hard to believe you're a paid lobbyist. Good thing you dont work for'd be standing in an unemployment line.

How does it feel to be trumped by a "fudd"...
You know I left these forums 10 years or so ago because of the mentality here. It's sad that some hunters have this bizarre way about them. My hunting friends are much more reasonable.

I can assure you my employers are very happy with me. Because I WIN!

Go ahead and rage against me and all else that us evil while I work to provide hunters and gun owners with ever more opportunities. Just as I have done my entire career.


LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-13 AT 06:04PM (MST)[p]The AWB and Brady Bill were "wins"???


WOW! Just WOW!


E. Fudd
They walk among,and they quietly work against us every day.
You can NEVER wait for the other guy to win your fight for you.
Happy for the residents of Wyoming to have the choice to use or not to use a suppressed rifle for hunting.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 10:21AM (MST)[p]This guy is why ALL lobbyists should be banned from the good old US of A! For him to make the absolutely stupid, factless statements he's making is unreal. How in the haydes is this Bill going to recruit or allow more hunters in the field, LOL?!!! I'm sure your average, everyday guy is going to have the patience to fill out all the BS paperwork, wait a minimum of 180 days to get the Federal license to have one and then shell out $200 to Uncle Sam for that priviledge. What a friggin joke!!! You self-serving people that call yourselves lobbyists are nothing but a pain in the azz and a scourge on society! Incidentally, I see you have your own lobbying company, so I guess when NRA canned you that you couldn't find a job anywhere else and had to go to work for yourself, LOL!
Just a question for all those in favor of using a silencer...

Whats the most difficult part about using one?

Is it having to admit you're gay...or biting a pillow?
ouch that hurt my feeling. LOL
Sorry the masses have spoken and you was left wanting.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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